Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/256

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242 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. centre is a fallen tree-trunk in sunlight. To the right of it is a tree- stump. Beyond to the right three men take an oath. In the centre distance, by the shore of the lake, is a water-mill. On the hill beyond, to the left, is a ruined castle with a round tower. Heavy clouds in the sky partly hide the high hill to the right. Called " The Oath of Riitli," from the three men whose figures were apparently painted in by a later hand. Signed ; canvas, 40 inches by 53 inches. In the collection of the Duke of Somerset. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of loo Paintings," 1894, No. 40. Sale. C. Sedelmeyer, Paris, March 25, 1907, No. 164. In the Wolff collection, Schloss Leopoldskron, near Salzburg. In the possession of the Munich dealer Julius Bshler. 764. Ruins. Near a red wall is a road, with a sheet of water filling almost the whole foreground. A high tree. To the right are hills and extensive ruins. On the road are a woman in red and a man in black. Signed on the right with the monogram ; canvas, 24 inches by 28J inches. In the possession of the Munich dealer Julius Bohler. 765. A Castle in a Wood. The castle stands on a hill. Below is a cottage. In the distance is the sea, with a figure on the shore. Beyond are a shepherd with sheep, and three other figures. Signed on the left at foot with the monogram ; canvas, 26 inches by 28 inches. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of Jules Forges, Paris, since 1906. 766. THE OLD GATEWAY. Sm. 49. An uneven sandy landscape with decayed hedges and few trees. A rough road leads from the front to an old brick gateway, beyond which is an avenue of trees. The road is flooded after rain, and the water reflects the blue sky. [Compare 768^.] Panel, n inches by 14 inches. Sale. Clesne, Paris, December 4, 1786 (1000 francs). In the collection of Bishop Wilberforce. In the collection of John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. 767. LANDSCAPE WITH A RUINED ARCHWAY. The arch is of brick. Beyond it are buildings. On a road in front of a clump of trees, a man stands near a little pool. A sketchy work, in good preservation, of the early period. Signed on the right at foot j panel, io| inches by 14^ inches. In the collection of Sir Frederick Cook, Bart., Richmond, No. 183. 767*7. An Old Castle. Sale. Amsterdam, March 25, 1728 (Hoet, i. 322), No. 28 (51 florins). 767^. A Castle on a Hill. A large picture.