Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/273

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 259 Panel, 19 inches by 24 inches. Sale. Marin, Paris, March 22, 1790 (1200 francs). 826*7. Landscape with High Trees. Cottages. Figures standing or resting. A church tower. Panel, i6J inches by 19 J inches. Sale. P. Lyonet, Amsterdam, April n, 1791, No. 223 (40 florins, Munnik- huysen): 826^. A Hilly Landscape with High Trees. Figures go up a hilly road near a cottage. In the distance are a church and towers. Canvas, 19^ inches by 24! inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 13, 1797, No. 133 (99 florins, Van der Pals). 826*:. A Hilly Landscape. Trees and houses. A man and a woman stand near a road up a hill. Another man is resting. Panel, 2i| inches by 26 J inches. Sale. H. G. Oosterdijk and H. van der Heuvel, Amsterdam, October 8, 1800, No. 72 (133 florins, Spruijt of Ghent). 827. A Road through a Village. Sm. 91. Sale. W. Beckford of Fonthill Abbey, London, February 23, 1802 (78 : 155., Nagel). 828. Cottages. A clear stream flows past various great trees, near cottages. Other cottages to the left in a sunlit part of the landscape. Panel, 17^ inches by 2i inches. Sale. Clicquet Andrioli, Amsterdam, July 18, 1803, No 39 (242 florins, Josi). 829. A Cottage. To the left is an uphill road with high trees. Near it is a sunlit house. In front is a still pool ; near it is a peasant with a dog. Panel, 21^ inches by 26^ inches. Sale. A. de Lange, Amsterdam, December 12, 1803, No. 78 (170 florins). 829*. Landscape with Trees and Cottages. Sm. 121. A shepherd drives a flock of sheep along a sunlit sandy road through the centre. In the shadowed foreground are other cattle and figures. Painted in the manner of.Berchem. Canvas, 26 inches by 33 inches. Sale. Pierre de Grand-Pre, Paris, February 1 6, 1809 (2690 francs). 829*7. A Wooded Landscape. The foreground is in full sunlight. In the wood at the back is a cottage. Panel, 24^ inches by 33 inches. Sale. Utrecht, April 27, 1811, No. 100. 830. Landscape. Sm. 141. To the left are groups of trees and a pond. To the right are a village with a church and several cottages amid trees. A transient gleam of sunshine falls on the landscape. A woman