Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/278

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264 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. left a village church amid trees stands out against a brilliant sky. In front are several peasants. A baggage waggon with persons in it passes through a pool. Canvas, 28 inches by 34-^ inches. Sale. Claude Tolozan, Paris, February 23, 1801 (2450 francs). In the Delessert collection, Paris, 1854, according to a note in Sm.'s copy of his catalogue ; but not in the sale catalogue of March 15, 1869. 8450. A Great Landscape with High Trees. A farm is seen at the back. Signed, and dated 1649 ; panel. In the Baumgiirtner collection, Leipzig, 1855 (Parthey, ii. 458). 845^. Landscape with a Large Farm. In the Li el collection, Berlin, 1856 (Parthey, ii. 460). 845*:. A Village Scene with Water. In the Von Winterfeldt collection, Berlin, 1856 (Parthey, ii. 459). 845^. Landscape with a Thatched Cottage. A peasant and his wife hasten along a road towards a cottage. Panel, u inches by nj inches. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1856 (Parthey, ii. 460) ; but no longer there. 845*. View of a Tower amid Trees. Natural in tone. Panel, about 29^ inches by 28^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 20, 1856, No. 153. 846. A Hilly Landscape with Trees. Sm. Suppl. 27. On rising ground to the left stands a cottage. A path beside a stone wall leads up to it. An elder bush grows against the cottage. Farther away is another cottage with two oaks. On the right, beyond a pool, two persons converse. Dark rain-clouds. [Pendant to 555.] Canvas, 20 inches by 24 inches. In the collection of the Earl of Burlington, Holker Hall, 1842 (Sm.) ; it was there also in 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 442). 847. Houses with Trees beyond. One house, with a smoking chimney, is in sunlight. Near it, towards the centre, are oaks and other trees. In the left middle distance is another house with a tree. Bushes and weeds in front. Signed. In the collection of John Walter, Bearwood, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 194). 848. Landscape with Cottages and a Church. Cows and sheep near a river. A peasant. In the collection of Madame Catalin (? Catalani), Paris. Sale. D. Macintosh, London, 1857 (355 : ios., Bentley). 849. The Cottage. Sm. Suppl. 87. On the left, in shadow, is a thatched cottage on a bank, with bundles of reeds lying near. On the