Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/295

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 281 common towards a village. On the road is a huntsman in a red jacket, with a dog ; on the top of a hill beyond are two men. Panel, 27 inches by 35 inches. In the collection of G. Wilbraham, London, 1835 (Sm.). 911. Landscape with a Road. Sm. Suppl. 37. A road with deep ruts winds over rising ground between clumps of high trees and bushes. To the left two tree -trunks lie in the grass j across rough country is a cottage amid trees. The only figure is a man by the roadside. An early work. Panel, 14 inches by n inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1837. Then in the collection of Sir H. Taylor, London. 912. A Hilly Landscape. Sm. Suppl. 36. A hill, partly grass- grown, with clumps of trees and bushes on the top, fills most of the pictures. On the right is a view of barren distance. An early work. Panel, n inches by 12 inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1837. Then in the collection of C. T. Tower, London. 912^. The Defile. Between two sandhills, which have partly fallen in, a road leads to a cottage in the centre. A woman walks towards it. On the hill to the right are trees, and an open space amid bushes. Beyond the hill to the left is a windmill. In front a pool has overflowed on to the road. In the manner of Wijnants. Canvas. Sale. Heris (Bird collection) of Brussels, Paris, March 25, 1841, No. 21. 913. Wooded Dunes. Sm. 245. Sandhills with trees and bushes on the top. Beyond are the roofs of two houses. A man and a woman walk along the bank of a pool in front ; a third figure is on the farther side. "A good example" (Sm.). [Possibly identical with 534^ (Sm.).] Panel, I2| inches by 14^ inches. In the collection of John Newington Hughes, 1835 (Sm.). Sale. J. N. Hughes, London, April 14, 1848 (64 : is., Mawson). 914. View over a Hilly Moor. Sm. Suppl. 53. In the centre a rough road descends from the foreground into a valley and thence up a steep hill, on the top of which it is lost to view. On the right of the road is a rough fence, partly hidden by bushes. The hills are covered with heath and coarse grass. A peasant in a red jacket, with a dog in front, comes up the road. Early morning ; bright sunrise over the hill- tops. "There is no example from the pencil of the master in which nature is more faithfully portrayed than in this little picture ; simple in its composition, but executed with a zest and spirit, and a rich impasto of colour" (Sm.). Panel, 14^ inches by 19^ inches. Bought in Paris, 1835, by Sm. (for 3200 francs) and sold to Charles Brind. Sale. Charles Brind, London, May 10, 1849 (404 : qs., Rutley).