Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/30

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16 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. into the distance. In the immediate foreground, to the right, is a bare tree-trunk. The figures are by Ruisdael himself. Signed in full on the left at foot ; canvas, i6 inches by 22 inches. Sale. (Possibly) Servad, Amsterdam, June 25, 1778, No. 87 (66 florins, Wubbels). In the collection of Count Schonborn-Buchheim, Vienna, Frimmers 1896 catalogue, No. 76 ; it was in this collection in 1820, if not earlier. 28. THE CASTLE OF BENTHEIM. Seen at its full extent ; with a shepherd. Dark ground but an unusually clear sky. In the collection of Dr. M. Strauss, Vienna. 28*. Landscape with the Tower of the Castle of Bentheim. The castle is on a wooded hill. In front is a clear stream. Various figures walk or sit. Bright sunlight. Canvas, 23 inches by 28 inches. Sale, Servad, Amsterdam, June 25, 1778, No. 86 (150 florins, Fouquet). 2%b. The Castle of Bentheim. On a high rocky hill. A flat landscape with trees and water. In front and in the background figures are seated or walking about. Canvas, 17^ inches by 23 inches. Sale. J. L. Strantwijk, Amsterdam, May 10, 1780, No. 216 (41 florins, Wubbels). 28<r. The Castle of Bentheim. In the Le Noire collection. Sale. London, 1802 (315, W. Smith). 29. The Castle of Bentheim. Sm. 196. A landscape, with a road in front and a decayed tree at either side. A man and a woman sit by the roadside, conversing with another man who stands near. In front is a pool of water. The castle stands on a hill to the right. A dark and solemn effect. Canvas, 22 inches by 29^ inches. Given in exchange by Sm. in 1810 to J. Woodin, and sold to G. Pennell. Sale. W. Beckford, Fonthill Abbey, Bath, 1823 (^95 : us., Acraman). In the collection of D. W. Acraman, Bristol, 1835 (Sm.). 29*7. The Castle of Bentheim. Sale. (Supplementary) Pfeiffer and Dupree, Amsterdam, April n, 1836, No. 1 1 6* (50 florins, Brondgeest). 30. The Castle of Bentheim. Sm. Suppl. 15. The castle, which has a round and a square tower and a turret, stands on a hill. At the foot are bushy trees, with cottages and a windmill above. A road winds from the opposite side across the plain. In the left foreground is a pond fringed with weeds. On the road are two men and a boy. Beyond them a lad drives a few sheep. Morning. Canvas, 13 inches by 16 inches. Sold by Sm. to James Johnson, Manchester, 1838.