Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/305

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 291 Sales. London, December 21, 1901, No. 100 (.44 : zs.). Duke of Cambridge and others, London, June 25, 1904, No. 72. 938. A ROUGH SEA. A rowing boat with three figures in front. Farther back is a vessel with a brown sail. In the right distance, a town. Cloudy sky. Wrongly attributed in the catalogue to Salomon Ruysdael. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 15 inches by 18 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1893, No. 67. In the collection of Earl Brownlow, Ashridge Park. 939. SEA-PIECE. Sm. 285. A rough sea. Two fishing-boats run before the wind. In the right foreground is a sandbank with posts. A very stormy sky. Of very good quality. [Pendant to 940.] Signed on the shore to the right ; canvas on panel, 19 inches by 24 inches. Exhibited at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1904, No. 358 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1907, No. 42. In the collection of the Duke of Rutland, Belvoir Castle, No. 15 ; it was there in 1835 (Sm.) and was mentioned in 1854 by Waagen (iii. 397). 940. SEA-PIECE. Sm. 286. A rough sea. A dark cloud in the sky to the left throws a black shadow on the water. A fishing-boat beats up against the wind, in front. Beyond, another boat runs before the wind ; the white sail of a small boat stands out against the sky. In the distance are seen the flat coast, and a town with a low square tower. Of good quality. [Pendant to 939.] Canvas, 19 inches by 24 inches. Exhibited at the Guildhall Art Gallery, London, 1903, No. 155 ; and at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1907, No. 38. In the collection of the Duke of Rutland, Belvoir Castle, No. 20 ; it was there in 1835 (Sm.), and was mentioned in 1854 by Waagen (iii. 397). 941. A ROUGH SEA; A STORM COMING ON. Sm. 294. In the centre, a fishing-boat with a large red sail is making for the left foreground. A wave breaks on the right side of the bow. Beyond it, partly hidden, is a large warship which fires a gun. To the left, a small sailing-boat makes for the right distance. On the extreme right is a rowing-boat, apparently taking a party from the warship to the town of Amsterdam, which lies in the right distance. Masses of dark clouds roll up from the right of the sky. The brownish - red sail of the nearest boat is vividly reflected in the water. Its colour is a little out of tone. Painted about 1670. [Compare 984.] Canvas, 40 inches by 58 inches. In one of the Royal Prussian palaces. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 884; it was in the Berlin Museum in 1835 (Sm.). 942. A ROUGH SEA. In front, a piece of the stony bank, defended with piles, projects in an obtuse angle into the surging sea to the left, which is almost entirely within the shadow cast by rolling masses of