Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/313

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 299 966*. A Stormy Sea. With various vessels. Very natural and good. Canvas, 1 8-^ inches by 23^ inches. 7/1?. The widow P. Merkman, born Van Leeuwaarden, Haarlem, Sep- tember 21, 1773, No. 15. 966;. A Stormy Sea. Canvas, 19 inches by 20 inches. Sale. The widow P. Merkman, born Van Leeuwaarden, Haarlem, Sep- tember 21, 1773, No. 16. 966^. A Very Rough Sea. Various sailing-vessels. Dark clouds.

  • The white sail of the boat in the centre is in sunlight. In the distance

are cottages. Strong colour. Canvas, 2O^ inches by 28^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 24, 1777, No. 116 (i I florins 10, Bouwer). 967. A Sea-Piece. Sm. 32. A strong breeze, with rain. In front are four men in a boat. In the left distance are two fishing-boats bending to the gale. In the offing are other vessels. Oval panel, n inches by 15 inches. Engraved in the Choiseul Gallery, No. 40. Sales. Due de Choiseul, Paris, April 6, 1772, No. 69. Prince de Conti, Paris, March 15, 1779 (310 francs). 968. A Very Rough Sea. The town of Amsterdam in the distance. Several ships. In front the waves break on some piles. Clouds driving before the wind. Canvas, 25 inches by 33 inches. Sale. P. Calkoen, Amsterdam, September 10, 1781, No. 116 (450 florins, Wubbels). 968*. A View of the Haarlemer Meer. Sale. Dulac, Paris, November 30, 1782 (300 francs) ; noted by Ch. Blanc, i- 439- 968^. A Stormy Sea. On the right the rough waves dash against a breakwater. On the left are two sailing-ships. On the horizon are various ships and a town. Canvas, 18^ inches by 23! inches. Sale. J. Wubbels, Amsterdam, July 16, 1792, No. 280 (23 florins, Quinkhard). 968^. A Stormy Sea. The surf breaks on the shore in the right foreground. Sailing vessels. Masterly. Canvas, 19 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, August 14, 1793, No. 112 (81 florins, Coders). 968^. A Rough Sea. Sailing-boats. Two figures near a beacon in front. Canvas, 37 inches by 51^ inches. Probably identical with a large and broad picture by J. Th. Blankerhof,