Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/347

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 333 ic>59c. Landscape. Houses and figures in the distance. A sketch. Canvas. Sale. Brussels, September 14, 1855, No. 24. 1059^. A Heath with Oaks and Willows. A rainy sky. In the Bartels collection, 1856 (Parthey, ii. 459). 1059* andyC Two Landscapes with Beeches and Oaks. In the Bartels collection, 1856 (Parthey, ii. 460). 1059^. A Hilly Landscape at Sunset. Signed in full. Sale. Amsterdam, August 20, 1856, No. 233. io59/z. An Autumn Landscape. In the Motz collection, Bremen, 1858 (Parthey, ii. 459). io59/'. Landscape with an Avenue of High Trees. A large picture. In the collection at the Georgengarten, Dessau, 1859 (Parthey, ii. 458). 10597. Landscape. A large picture. In the collection at the Georgengarten, Dessau, 1859 (Parthey, ii. 458). . Landscape with Oaks and a Road paved with Logs. Dated 1660. In the Palace, Dessau, 1859 (Parthey, ii. 461). 1060. Landscape with a Fine Tree. The tree rises above the bushes ; in its shade are several figures. Signed in full ; canvas, about 33^ inches by 45 inches. Engraved in the Calcographisches Institut, Dessau, under the direction of J. T. Prestel. Sale. Count von Brabeck and Count Andreas von Stolberg, of Soder, Hanover, October 31, 1859, No. 231. 10600. Landscape with Mounted Huntsmen. Canvas, about 48 inches by 36 inches. Sale. Count von Brabeck and Count Andreas von Stolberg, of Soder, Hanover, October 31, 1859, No. 232. io6o. Landscape with a Shattered Oak. Two figures with a dog j ascribed to A. van de Velde. Signed in full, and dated 1651. In the Ritterich collection, Leipzig, 1860 (Parthey, ii. 461). io6or. A Hilly Landscape. Pleasant in tone. Panel, n inches by n| inches. Sale. Amsterdam, March 5, 1861, No. 408 (Roos).