Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/370

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356 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. Sale. J. A. van Dam, Dordrecht, June I, 1829, No. 57 (looo florins, bought in). 8. A Canal Scene with Haarlem in the Distance. In front is a canal reflecting small cottages which stand amid trees to the right. A vessel in the water. On the left the bank goes away to a tower, near which is a stone bridge with a single arch over the stream. In the distance is Haarlem ; two church towers and many houses may be dis- tinguished. Big light clouds. Panel, 22 inches by 35 inches. Sale. Leipzig, March 31, 1845, No. 214. 9. THE RUINS OF THE CASTLE OF KOSTVERLOREN ON THE AMSTEL. In front is water. On the farther bank, in the left centre, stands a square ruined tower with stepped gables. Fragments of old walls show where the gable of the old house joined the tower. To the right is a wall, with thick trees beyond. On the left, close by the tower, is a single tree ; farther to the left is a wide plain with a distant church. Persons inspect the ruins. [Compare 183.] Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 16 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Jos. Monchen and others, Amsterdam, April 30, 1907, No. 95* (18,900 florins, bought in). In the collection of Dr. G. Rittmann, Basel. 10. THE CASTLE OF KOSTVERLOREN. Sm. 116. In the centre a square tower of red brick with stepped gables rises amid ruined walls from the castle moat ; four men are at work on the walls. The castle is seen on the same side as in 9, but from farther away. Near the entrance to the drawbridge are two great trees with autumn foliage. A man in a red coat and a boy walk along a road in the right foreground. Beyond the trees is a cottage. To the left, behind the castle and across the moat, are low woods. White clouds in the sky. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 23 inches by 29^ inches. Exhibited at the Hudson-Fulton Celebration at the Metropolitan Museum,. New York, 1909, No. 47. In the collection of Frederick Perkins, 1835 (Sm.). Sale. Franzi, Amsterdam, October 5, 1837, No. 16 (18 florins, Noble). In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1894, No. 15. . In the collection of M. C. D. Borden, New York. 11. Landscape with a Ruined Castle (Kostverloren ?) and a Bridge. Sm. 70. On the right a road leads to a pool. At the roadside are trees with dense foliage and young willows, a traveller and a dog. A bridge crosses the pool, which fills the whole width of the picture. In the left middle distance are the ruins of an old castle amid trees. Near them are two figures. Beyond are a church and a distant view. At the foot of the bank of the pool are two anglers in the reeds, near ducks and water- plants. "Painted in a loose free manner" (Sm.). Panel, 24 inches by 33! inches. Sale. J. van den Bergh, Amsterdam, July 15, 1833, No. 12 (4200 florins)^