Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/372

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358 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. A waggon is driven by the stream ; a man rides. In front sits a woman. 36^ inches by 47 inches. Sale. J. Enschede, Haarlem, May 30, 1786, No. 21. 15*. View of the Vecht near Utrecht. Sale. Amsterdam, March 24, 1828, No. 114 (10 florins, Campen). 15^. The Neighbourhood of the Village of Vreeland on the Vecht. Two fishermen are in a boat in front, near leafy trees, above which rises the church with its tower. Another church tower is visible. Panel, 19^ inches by 23^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 16, 1792, No. 31 (15 florins, Fouquet). 1 6. CASTLE ON A HILL. The castle stands on a steep hill to the left. Near it, in the middle distance, are houses amid trees on the edge of the hill. In the right foreground are two leafy trees, from near which a road leads up the hill to the castle ; on the road are several small figures. A stream flows past the trees at the base of the hill to the left foreground, where it forms a low cascade. Light clouds in the sky. Signed in full, and dated 1667 (?) ; canvas, 54^ inches by 68 J inches. Waagen in 1854 (ii. 297) mentions a picture in the Wynn Ellis collection which must be identical with this, although he says that the subject was a wind-mill. In the Wynn Ellis collection, bequeathed to the National Gallery in 1876. In the National Gallery, London, No. 996 ; exhibited on loan since 1904 at the Watt Institute, Greenock. 17. LANDSCAPE WITH A RIVER. A stream fills almost the whole foreground and winds away in the left centre to the distance ; on the water in front are some ducks. A wood fills the right half of the picture, with a sunlit glade in the middle of it. A clump of high trees grow on a bank close to the water in the right centre j in the reeds to the left of them stands -an angler. On the open bank, to the left of the stream, stands a ruined castle, consisting of a massive tower, which is reflected in the water, and part of the high wall adjacent to it ; on either side of the ruins and behind them are trees, to the right of which is seen the flat distance. Light clouds in the sky, with a few birds flying to the left. A work of the mature period ; the water is the best part of the picture. The same ruin has been thrice repeated by Hobbema : I. from the same spot in the Frick picture (19) ; 2. from a nearer view-point, but from the same side, in the Fleischmann picture (18) ; and 3. in a picture in the Konigswarter sale (24). Jacob van Ruisdael painted the ruins from the same standpoint in the picture belonging to the Earl of Northbrook (Ruisdael, 39). Panel, 23 inches by 32 inches. In the Wallace Collection, London, 1908 catalogue, No. 60. 18. LANDSCAPE WITH A RUINED CASTLE. In the left middle distance stands a ruined castle ; the square tower and wall are