Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/382

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368 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. York, 1909, No. 50 ; the catalogue reads the date as 166-, and suggests that it was probably 1665. In the collection of Sir Richard Ford, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 225) ; it had then been in the Ford family for four generations. Sales. London, 1871 (3100). Sir Richard Fowler, London, May 6, 1899, No. 89 (.9555, A. Wertheimer). In the collection of Mrs. W. L. Elkins, Philadelphia, I jo8 catalogue, No. 101. 47. A VILLAGE AMID TREES. In the left centre foreground two tall trees stand apart. A road leads past them to the right. A sports- man on a grey horse rides forward from the right, accompanied by a falconer on foot carrying a ring of hawks, with dogs in front and behind. Beside a fence in the left foreground an angler, seen from the back, is near a stream which flows away into the middle distance. Beyond the stream is a village with a little church and many cottages amid trees ; another cottage stands on the right in shadow. Between the stream and the cottages is a sunlit field with three men amid some light square longish blocks lying in confusion, the nature of which is not quite clear. On the extreme left is a man with a brown cow. Canvas, 32 inches by 42 inches. In the collection of Count Santar, Lisbon, brought from England about the year 1850. In the possession of the Paris dealers Hamburger. In the collection of P. A. B. Widener, Philadelphia. 48. LANDSCAPE WITH A SUNLIT COTTAGE. The cottage is in the right foreground. In front is a pool, which goes away to the left. In the water to the left are ducks ; on the bank to the right are two anglers, near an old tree-stump amid reeds half covered with water. Beyond is a wood on high ground ; through the trees is seen a smaller wood. To the left, on the farther bank of the pool, a road leads past trees to the sunlit middle distance where a cottage stands amid trees. On the road are two figures. In front of the cottage stands a man. Summer ; blue sky with light clouds. The foreground is in shadow. Signed in full on the right ; canvas, 19^ inches by 25 inches. Sale. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, B. No. 39. In the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 124. 49. A Cottage amid Trees. On the right a large wooden house thatched with reeds stands on marshy ground. At the door are a man in red and a woman. Farther to the left is a smaller house with a red-tiled roof. On the left a village road leads to a little canal ; a man walks away. Farther back is a church with a steeple. The picture is probably genuine, but is not quite convincing. The foliage reminds one most of Hobbema. Madsen, in Studier fra Sverig^ p. 116, says that the picture reminded him of an early Ruisdael. The signature, according to Bode, is a forgery. Panel, 19^ inches by 26| inches. Mentioned in the Stockholm inventory of 1816.