Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/396

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382 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. To the left is a country house with other buildings and a man. In the centre is a clump of trees. Blue sky. The figures are by Hobbema himself. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 23 inches by 32 inches. Bought from the London dealer Martin Colnaghi about the year 1889. In the collection of Mrs. Joseph, London. 85. LANDSCAPE WITH A WATER-MILL. Sm. 3 and 69. On the left is a road coming from the distance and crossing a plank bridge over a little stream in front. Two men come over the bridge ; in the road behind them a man and a woman stand conversing with a man seated on the left side of the road, near a single tree on the left. In the distance to the left is a man with a stick or gun on his shoulder. To the right of the road is a clump of lofty trees on the bank of the stream. To the right of the trees, across the stream, is an overshot water-mill with a broad low roof. Beyond it, to left and right, are trees, and two trees grow in front. At the mill-door is a man ; a man approaches the door from the right. The mill-stream pours down from the trough into a pool filling the right foreground and flowing away under the plank bridge to the left. In front to the left is part of the nearer bank with rough grass on either side of the road. A very fine picture, vigorously handled. The clump of trees to the left is rather dark. The prevailing tone is a light green. [See 66.] Signed in full in the right centre at foot ; panel, 26^ inches by 36 inches. Sak. J. Tak, Soeterwoude, September 5, 1781, No. 24 (525 florins, Delfos). In the collection of Madame Hoofman, Haarlem, 1827 (Sm.) ; sold June 2, 1846. Sale. William II., King of Holland, The Hague, August 12, 1850, No. 98 (27,000 florins). In the collection of the Marquess of Hertford. In the Wallace Collection, London, 1908 catalogue, No. 99. 86. A WATER-MILL IN THE SHADE OF A GREAT OAK. Sm. 67. The water is led in a broad wooden trough, at the height of the roof, to the top of the wheel, but the wheel is motionless and the water rushes down into a pool which fills the foreground. Among trees in the centre of the middle distance stands a cottage ; on a footpath leading to it are a lady and a gentleman. On the extreme right are two anglers ; one has hooked a fish and the other brings a landing-net. In the left distance is a sunlit cornfield with sheaves and gleaners at work. Beyond it is a village, with the church tower rising above the trees. A road leads from the left foreground past the cornfield to the village ; on the road are several figures. Blue sky with white clouds. The same mill as in 66. "A clear and excellent picture" (Sm.). Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1664 ; canvas, 36! inches by 50 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1870, and 1888, No. 71 ; and at the Guildhall Art Gallery, London, 1894, No. 74.