Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/407

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 393 1 1 6. Landscape with Peasants in a Waggon. Two roads traverse the landscape. In front is a pool. Along the left-hand road comes a merry party in a waggon drawn by two horses. To the right are other figures. On the right-hand road is another waggon. Beyond are cottages. The figures were attributed, in the Hogguer catalogue, to A. Storck. Compare 117, a similar subject. Panel, 17 inches by 21 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, June 4, 1766, No. 33. Amsterdam, March 6, 1769, No. 89. P. I. Hogguer, Amsterdam, August 18, 1817, No. 24 (42 florins 5, Coders). n6a. Landscape with a Post- Waggon and Figures. 17 inches by 20 inches. Sale. H. A. Munro of Novar, London, June i, 1878, No. 57 (73 5, Goupil). 117. A FARM AT THE EDGE OF A WOOD, WITH A WAGGON AND HORSES. In front is a pool to which two roads lead. One road comes down a hill on the left from thick trees which fill the left half of the picture. The other road comes from the right, joining in the distance a road which leads to the left past the farm. Of the farm, two gabled buildings and a small outbuilding with a thatched roof are visible ; it is surrounded by trees and enclosed within a fence. In the right distance are meadows, and a village church-tower amid trees. Along the left-hand road comes a waggon, carrying the driver and four pas- sengers ; the horses' feet are in the pool. To the left of them is a sportsman with two dogs. On the right two horses stand in the water ; on one of them sits a peasant, who is followed by a dog. There are seven other figures in the landscape. According to a note by Bredius, the figures are by Lingelbach, and not, as the sale catalogue suggests, by A. van de Velde ; the picture is unimportant, the trees alone suggesting the master's power. The scene is the same as in 115, but is viewed from a greater distance ; a similar subject is 116. Signed in full on the left af foot, and dated 1662 ; canvas, 26 inches by inches. Probably the picture seen by Waagen (iii. 407) in the collection of the Marquess of Exeter in 1854. Sales. Marquess of Exeter, London, June 7, 1882 (336). O. Pein, Cologne, October 29, 1888, No. 39 (18,000 mark, Haniel of Wiesbaden). 118. COTTAGES UNDER TREES, WITH A HUNTING PARTY. Sm. 82. A wooded landscape, with the foreground in shadow and the middle distance in full sunlight. A road leads away from the centre foreground to an open space, on either side of which stands a cottage. At the door of the left-hand cottage, a woman converses with another, who stands outside with a child. On the extreme left is a third cottage with a man at the door. In front of it are trees, to the right of which are two lofty trees with wide-spreading branches. A man and a