Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/411

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 397 by the roadside on the left. On the road are two horsemen, one riding a dark horse and the other a grey, with other figures. Sm. attributed the figures to B. Gael. The Brussels catalogue reports a rumour that the horsemen were inserted by Verboeckhoven. If any passage is by another hand, it is that including the grey horse watering and the two figures, but not the horsemen. Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1663 ; canvas, 37^ inches by 50^ inches. A picture " slightly corresponding in description " (Sm.) with this was sold in London, 1818 (162 : 153.); and another, in the collection of W. Porter, was sold in London, 1826 (^467 : 53.). In the Royal Picture Gallery, Copenhagen ; brought to England in 1807. Sales. Hill, London, 1811 (^420). G. Cholmondeley, London, 1831 (530 : 55., Peacock). Bought for Edmund Higginson, Saltmarsh Castle, between 1835 and 1842 by the dealer Arteria (Sm.), 1842 catalogue, No. 136. Sale. E. Higginson, London, June 4, 1846 (735) and 1860 (493 : los). Bought from Nieuwenhuys in 1874 f r t ^ ie Brussels Museum. In the Brussels Museum, 1906 catalogue, No. 221. 127*. PATH THROUGH THE WOOD. In the centre, on a road winding away into the distance, are a man, a boy, and a woman with a dog. On the left and in the middle distance are cottages. In the left middle distance a man and woman are walking. Beyond them, in the centre distance, are another couple. To the right are trees. [Identical with 234. Translator's Note.] Panel, 24 inches by 33 inches. In the collection of George Salting, London ; bequeathed to the National Gallery in 1909. In the National Gallery, London, No. 2571. 128. A WOOD WITH A SUNLIT PLACE. To the right is a clump of trees. In the centre is a withered tree. In the left fore- ground is a pool. On a road two horsemen, one on a bay and the other in red on a grey horse, gallops to the left. 19! inches by 32 inches". In the Bryan collection. In the collection of the New York Historical Society, 1907 catalogue, No. 515. 129. A WOOD WITH HORSEMEN. Sm. 124. In the right centre is a clump of tall trees, on which the sunlight falls from the right. Behind the clump, a wood extends on both sides. From the right foreground a road winds away j at a bend of the road, two horsemen ride off. On the left another road leads through low bushes to the front. A horseman in a red cloak rides forward, preceded by a dog. To the left is a little vista. In the manner of Jacob van Ruisdael. Signed in full, and dated 1662 ; canvas, 23^ inches by 28^ inches. Sale. In Ireland, 1833 (195). In the collection of William Dent Farrer, 1835 (Sm.).