Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/418

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404 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. SKETCHING. Sm. 118. In the centre is a great clump of trees, beyond which a wood extends to the right. In front and to the left is a reedy pool, fringed on the extreme left with low brushwood. Beyond the pool, in the left distance, are meadows, a wind-mill, and a church behind trees. Through the wood to the right is a sunlit road ; on it is a man with a bundle and a stick. A footpath bends sideways to the pool, on the bank of which stand two figures. Under lofty trees to the right an artist with a broad-brimmed hat sits on the ground sketching. Cloudy sky, with three birds high up to the left. Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 23^ inches by 32^ inches. In one of the Royal Prussian palaces. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 886 ; it was in the Berlin Museum, 1835 (Sm., who valued it at ^450). 148. A ROAD THROUGH A LITTLE WOOD. Oaks with dense foliage, standing far apart, extend across almost the whole width of the picture. In the left foreground is a dead and leafless trunk, on which the sunlight falls from the right. A road leads from front to back through the centre of the wood ; a man with a stick on his left shoulder and a young man beside him to the left come forward. In the distance a man, whose head and shoulders alone are visible, comes along the road. On the right the ground falls towards a pool. Three anglers, two standing and one seated, are on a projecting bank. On the farther side is a little chapel. Farther away is a village. Cloudy sky. Said to be signed in full in the right centre but Bode does not mention this ; panel, 13 inches by i6 inches. In the collection of the Princesse de Caraman-Chimay, Brussels. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of A. de Ridder, Cronberg, near Frankfort-on-Main. 149. A ROAD BETWEEN COTTAGES AND TREES. Sm. Suppl. i. A road leads through the centre to the distance ; on either side are cottages amid trees. On the road in the left foreground a man in a red jacket, with a bundle on a stick over his left shoulder, walks to the right. Beyond him are other figures. The sky is partly covered with clouds illumined from the right. Doubt has been needlessly cast upon the authenticity of this picture. "A most pleasing example" (Sm.). Signed in full on the left at foot j panel, 13 inches by i6| inches. Exhibited in the British Institution, London, before 1842. Probably in the Verschuuring collection (Hoet, ii. 476). Sale. (Probably) L. B. Coders, Amsterdam, August 7, 1811, No. 32 (550 florins, Roos, bought in). In the collection of Earl Granville, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. Earl Granville, London, June 21, 1845 (357, Stuart). Bought through a dealer from a private collection at Amsterdam in 1874 for Dresden (21,000 marks). In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1665. 150. WOODY LANDSCAPE. Sm. Suppl. 27. A road skirting a wood comes from the left foreground and, bending round in the centre, leads away to the left distance. To the left of the bend is a clump of