Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/422

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4 o8 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. Signed in full under the frame in the right centre ; panel, 23 inches by 31 inches. In the collection of Count Moltke, Copenhagen, 1885 catalogue, No. 60; it was there in 1842 (Sm.). 159. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH ROADS AND A POOL. Sm. Suppl. 5. The tallest clump of trees is on the left. Behind it a road runs from the left foreground to the middle distance ; near the front two men go away down the road. In the centre of the middle dis- tance is another clump of trees, to the right of which another road with two men on it goes away to the distance, past a sunlight field with sheaves of corn. Farther to the right several trees grow thickly round a hillock ; a hedge runs from this point to the right foreground. On a road in front to the right a man in red sits conversing with a man in yellow who stands before him. A road runs from the right foreground to the left distance through a pool which fills the centre foreground. The figures are probably by Hobbema, but the two men on the right might be by another hand. [Compare 158.] Signed in full ; panel, 23 inches by 32 inches. In the collection of Count Moltke, Copenhagen, 1885 catalogue, No. 61 ; it was there in 1837 (Sm.). 1 60. LANDSCAPE: SHOWERY WEATHER. Sm. 73, and Suppl. 29. In the centre is a clump of great trees on a low bank ; the foliage quivers in the breeze. From the right foreground a road, strewn with a few branches, leads back, past the trees, to a large sunlit cottage, with trees on either side of it and a fence ; here the road bends to the left and disappears behind the trees. In front, in the shadow of the trees, a man with a long stick over his shoulder, with his dog preceding him, crosses the road. Beyond, in front of the cottage, a man and a boy walk away down the sunlit road. At the cottage door is a woman. To the right, beyond a bank in the foreground, a man walks down a side-road. Beyond him, over a fence, are sunlit fields. In the left foreground, beyond a tree-stump and bushes along a low fence, is a pool, with an angler standing on the farther bank. Beyond, in the left distance, is a wood. Sunshine after rain. The whole countryside seems moist. Signed in full ; panel, 23! inches by 33 inches. Sale, J. M. Raikes, London, May 15, 1829 (233:2$., Thomas Emmerson). In the collection of Comte Perregaux, Paris, 1835 (Sm.). Sale. Comte Perregaux, Paris, December 8, 184.1, No. 13 (23,000 francs ; bought by Le Roy for the Prince d'Arenberg, according to Sm.) ; (see Ch. Blanc, ii. 446). Imported into England by the London dealer Farrer. Bought from G. H. Phillips in 1862 for the National Gallery (for 1575). In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 685. 161. FOREST SCENE. Sm. 56. A stream flows in a curve from the left foreground to the right. On the nearer bank is a clump of willows in the right centre, with some timber on the ground to the left.