Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/427

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 413 In the collection of R. S. Holford, London. In the collection of Lieut.-Col. G. L. Holford, London. In the collection of J. Pierpont Morgan, New York. 172. LANDSCAPE: AN OAK WOOD. Sm. 17. An oak wood fills the whole width of the picture, except on the right, where, through an opening, is seen open country with a clump of trees in the distance. On the right, at the side of a road which leads to this opening, a woman sits conversing with a man and boy who stand before her. In the wood to the left are two men, seen from the back. In the left fore- ? round is a clump of lofty trees ; a withered oak is especially prominent, n front is a pool overgrown with reeds. The picture is closely related to Ruisdael's manner, especially in the clouds. The prevailing effect is rather black. Probably an early work, about 1660. Panel, 24 inches by 32 inches. Sale. Mrs. Gordon, London, April 1808 (199 : ios., Merla). In the collection of William Wells, Redleaf, 1835 (Sm.). Sale. W. Wells, London, May 12, 1848 (341, Capron). Bought from Nieuwenhuys in 1850 for the Louvre (for 18,000 francs). In the Louvre, Paris, 1893 catalogue, No. 2403. 173. LANDSCAPE WITH A CLUMP OF TREES AND A POOL. Sm. 12. On the left is a clump of trees with widespreading branches. To the left of it is a vista of sunlit trees, in front of which a man walks to the left. In front, on the left, a woman, seated on a tree- trunk, converses with a man standing before her. To the right of the clumps, and farther back, is a sunlit cottage with a row of windows above the door. To the right of it is another cottage. Between the two a road leads towards the right foreground, to a pool with bush-covered banks. A man and a woman walk to the right through the pool, and are reflected in the water. Beyond them is a row of trees extending to the right edge of the picture. A very good work. Signed, and dated 1662 ; canvas, 31 inches by 40 inches. Exhibited at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris, 1887. Sales. (Possibly) Sir George Yonge, Bart., London, March 25, 1806 (420, Seguier) though this, according to Sm., may be 223. John Dent, London, April 28, 1827 (^777, Emmerson). In the collection of Jeremiah Harman, London, 1835 (Sm.). Sale. Jeremiah Harman, London, May 17, 1844 (1942 : ios., Baron Rothschild). In the collection of Baron Nathaniel de Rothschild, Paris. In the collection of Baron Arthur de Rothschild, Paris, who bequeathed it to the Louvre. In the Louvre, Paris. 174. THE ROAD IN THE WOOD. A road leads from the left foreground to the sunlit centre of the middle distance ; along it come a man and a woman. To the right of the road is a pool with water- plants and reeds. On the farther bank sits a man. Beyond is a thick wood of tall trees ; the tree on the extreme left is most prominent. To the left of the road, in the middle distance, is another pool. Beyond it and to the left is the wood.