Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/433

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 419 Canvas, 29 inches by 38 inches. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 16, 1797, No. in (52 florins). 193. A Wooded Landscape with a Still Pool. On the pool is a rowing-boat with figures. In the distance is a village church tower. Panel, 13 inches by 14 inches. Sale. J. W. van Arp, Amsterdam, June 19, 1800, No. 64 (505 florins, Th. Spaan). 194. A Wooded Landscape with Roads, Cottages, and Figures. Sm. 9. According to Sm., "this picture is compared for excellence with one by the same master in the possession of M. de Vos at Amsterdam," possibly 168. Panel, 25 inches by 19! inches. Sale. Helsleuter (Van Eyl Sluijter ?), Paris, January 25, 1802 (4900 francs or 4200 francs, according to Sm.) ; see Ch. Blanc, ii. 207. 195. Landscape with Woods and Water. Sm. 20. Sale. Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., and George Hibbert, London, May 14, 1802 (220 : IDS.). 1950. Landscape with Figures. Sales. J. Gildemeester, Amsterdam, January n, 1800. Heathcote, London, 1805 (.89 : 53., Sir P C ). 196. A Wooded Landscape. Sm. 21. Cottages and figures. A shower seems to have freshened the trees and grass, on which sunlight falls here and there. To the left is a vista. Sale. Edward Coxe, London, April 23, 1807 (588). 196*. A Cottage in a Wood. Sale. Mrs. Gordon, London, April 1808 (78 : i6s.). 196^. A Wooded Landscape. Sale. Mrs. Gordon, London, April 1808 (199 : los., Merla). 197. A Wooded Larfdscape with a Pool. The pool in front shows reflections. Near it are a man, a woman, and a little boy. At the side walks a peasant. Sunlight. [Pendant to 53.] Panel, 12 inches by 16 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, June 16, 1802, No. 65 (2600 florins, with pendant, J. Smit). Amsterdam, August 23, 1808, No. 67 (800 florins, Coders). 198. A Wooded Landscape with a Woman on an Ass. On an uphill road to the right, a woman rides an ass. A herdsman drives away cattle. In front are bushes. In the distance are lofty hills. Canvas, 42 inches by 52 inches. S^/.Amsterdam, October 6, 1801, No. 33 (20 florins, Spruijt) ; said to measure 43 inches by 45^ inches. Amsterdam, October 6, 1809, No. 33.