Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/436

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422 MEINDERT HOBBEMA SECT. left are undulating fields bounded by a wood. A pool fills part of the foreground ; on the bank sits an angler. Panel, 31 inches by 40 inches. Saks. Mrs. Gordon, London, April 1808 (302 : 8s.). London, 1827 (210, T. Emmerson). 209*7. A Wooded Landscape. A stream and a sandy road. A woman. Panel, 17 inches by 22^ inches. Sales. J. F. de Vinck de Wesel, Antwerp, August 16, 1814, No. 95 (66 francs). Baron de Vinck d'Orp, Brussels, May 28, 1827, No. 23. 210. A Wooded Landscape. Sm. 93. Two large clumps of trees fill much of the middle distance. Through a vista between them in the centre is seen water and distant country. A man and a boy descend a hill to the left. Beyond the high trees to the left rise two church spires. In the right distance is a building with a spiral top. Panel, about 22 inches by 26 inches. Sales. La Fontaine, London, 1828 (210). London, 1828 (341 : 5s., bought in). 211. Landscape with Two Rows of High and Leafy Trees. Sm. 95. The rows of trees fill much of the left, forming a vista, with a marshy pool between them. At the side is a cottage. A woman stands at the half-door conversing with a man and a woman who stand in front. Under the trees are two other figures. On a road to the right, a man with a stick on his shoulder approaches. Beyond him are cornfields and cottages. [Pendant to 263. Possibly identical with 216.] Panel, about 23 inches by 29 inches. Sale. Lord Weymouth, London, 1828 (472 : ios., bought in). ilia. A Wooded Landscape. Figures near a cottage. Sale. J. M. Raikes, London, May 15, 1829 (233, Woodburn). 212. Landscape with High Trees by a Road. Sm. 81. A road divides the landscape. To the left of it are high trees and a hedge. To the right is a pool, beyond which is a cottage amid trees. On the road are a man and a woman with a bundle on her head. Panel, about 16 inches by 20 inches. Sale. W. Lushington, London, 1831 (69 : 6s.). 213. A Wooded Landscape with a High -Road. Sm. 68.- A road runs from the front. On either side of it is water overgrown with rushes and water weeds. A man and a woman come along the road. At the waterside is an angler. In the distance are three other figures. The figures are by Hobbema himself. Panel, 24 inches by 33 inches. Sale. Sebastien Erard, Paris, April 23, 1832 (4010 francs). 214. Landscape with a Ruined House by a Pool. Sm. 112.