Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/441

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 427 224. Landscape with a Thin Wood. Sm. 76. A road winds from the front through the landscape. To the left of the road is a large house, hidden by clumps of trees ; on the roof is a stork's nest. A man stands conversing with a traveller seated at the roadside. To the right of the road is a little fence or stile. Beyond it a woman crosses a field. In the distance are two other figures. A fine summer day. Signed in full on the fence ; panel, 1 8' inches by 20 inches. In the collection of Dawson Turner, Great Yarmouth, 1835 (Sm.). Sales. Dawson Turner, London, May 14, 1852 (^252, Nieuwenhuys). C. Scarisbrick, London, May II, 1861 (^462). J. E. Fordham, London, 1863 (420, Nieuwenhuys). 225. A Wooded Landscape with a Pool and an Angler. On the right is a clump of oaks standing close together with other trees, some of which have been felled. A stream flows round them towards the front. A shattered oak rises at the water's edge in front. Behind it is an angler in a red jacket. On the opposite side a road leads to a meadow, with cottages in the middle distance. In front two travellers sit by the roadside j another man stands with his dog ; near him are a pack-ass and figures. A fine cloudy sky on a stormy day. The figures are probably by Berchem. Signed ; canvas, 33 inches by 43 inches. In the collection of G. Barrett, London. Sales. London, June 1857 (^609, J. Smith for Oppenheim). J. Oppenheim, London, 1864 (.934 : ios., Holloway). 225*. A Wooded Landscape. 34^ inches by 51 inches. Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1845, No. 88, and 1867, No. 79. Then in the possession of the dealer W. Gruyter. 225^. A Wood. Signed. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868, No. 789. Then in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire. 225*:. A Wooded Landscape. Sale. London, November 20, 1869, No. 114. 226. A Road out of a Wood. A pool and a sheet of water, divided by a piece of ground, are shaded by trees to right and left. A large glittering cloud in the sky, the tone of which is of great delicacy. Panel, 15 inches by i8| inches. Sale. L. Cottreau, Paris, May 30, 1870, No. 4. 226^. A Wooded Landscape. Signed ; panel, 13^ inches by 24^ inches. Sale. B. Lans and others, Amsterdam, April 25, 1871, No. 14. 227. A Wooded Landscape, with Peasants at a Ford. Sm. ii. In the left foreground is a pool with reeds at the edge ; a man and a