Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/453

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA Panel, 12^ inches by 2o| inches. Sale. G. J. de Servais, Malines, July 21, 1775, No. 48 (268 florins 16). 266. Landscape with a Little River. On a hill to the right are a cottage and a barn, amid trees with dense foliage. A white dog runs through the water near them. On the left a peasant comes along a road. Farther away are more clumps of trees and a fine distant view. Panel, 19! inches by 26 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 9, 1783, No. 30. 267. A River Landscape. A river flows in the centre. On the bank is an angler. To the left is a farm. A road leads to a gate in a meadow. 1 6 inches by 23^ inches. Sale. Tronchin of Geneva, Paris, 1789 (300 francs); see Ch. Blanc, ii. 124. 268. A River Landscape. To the right is a road between high trees. To the left are cottages. In the centre is a river. Figures and accessories. Panel, 1 inches by 33! inches. Sale. Hendrik Twent, Leyden, August n, 1789, No. 17 (192 florins). 269. A River Landscape. On the right, near trees, are a cottage and a barn, with fishermen in a boat. To the left is a road with cottages and figures. In the distance is a bridge. Panel, 21 inches by 26^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 16, 1792, No. 32 (3 florins 10, De Vries). 269^7. A River Landscape with Figures. Panel, 23 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. G. C. Blanken, The Hague, June 4, 1800, No. 277 (24 florins, Spruyt). 270. A View on the Banks of a River. Sm. 19. Sale. Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., and George Hibbert, London, May 14, 1802 (105). 271. A River Landscape. To the right are a clump of trees and a road. To the left is a river, with an angler. In the distance are hills and cottages. Panel. Sale. Comte d'Orsay and Count Hohenzollern, Paris, March 20, 1810 (119 francs 95, Legrand) ; see Ch. Blanc, ii. 265. 272. A River Landscape with a Church Spire. Sm. 41. On either side of a road leading from the front are clumps of trees and newly cut timber. In the distance, above a clump of trees, rises a church spire. Two travellers come along the road. Panel, 20 inches by 25 inches. Sale. Alexandre Paillet, Paris, June 2, 1814 (2400 francs) ; see Ch. Blanc, ii. 301.