Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/459

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 445 288; and k. Two Landscapes. Artistically painted. 28^ inches by 39 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 5, 1754, Nos. 85 and 86. 2887. Landscape. 23! inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Gerard Hoet, The Hague, August 25, 1770 (Terw. 230), No. 125 (120 florins, Donkers of Brussels). Note. If No. 124 of this sale was identical with 179 (Schloss), this is the pendant to it ; then this picture would be identical with 166 (Lord Swaythling), which is scarcely probable. 288/w and n. Two Landscapes. [Pendants.] 26 inches by 31 inches. Sale. Gerard Hoet, The Hague, August 25, 1770 (Terw. 230), No. 126 (97 florins, Ketelaar) and No. 127 (97 florins, Yver). 2880 and p. Two Landscapes. Excellent works. 33! inches by 24^ inches. Sale. D. Middeldorp, Leyden, October 21, 1761, Nos. 11 and 12 (210 florins, Frans van Mien's the younger for Professor Gaubius). 288^. Landscape. 28 inches by 22^ inches. Sale. Joan Willem Frank, The Hague, April 5, 1762 (Terw. 248), No. 41 but No. 45 of the original catalogue (12 florins, Furet). 288r. Landscape with Figures. Very natural. Canvas, 42 inches by 53^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 4, 1769, No. 90 (21 florins, Ketelaar). 289. A Small Landscape. Two or more of the following small and undescribed landscapes may be identical : Sales. Borwater, The Hague, July 20, 1756 (Terw. 157), No. 102 (16 florins 10). (Supplementary) Reygersbergen van Cauwerven, Leyden, July 31, 1765, No. 90 a fine picture. Haarlem, June 23, 1772, No. 88 (i florin 2) two pictures. 289^. Landscape. [Pendant to 49^.] Panel, 19! inches by 16 inches. Sale. J. M. Quinkhard, Amsterdam, March 15, 1773, No. 62. 289^ and c. Two Landscapes. 21 inches by 30 inches. Sale. The dowager Madame de Boonem, Brussels, July 15, 1776, No. 44 (212 francs). 289^. Landscape. Panel, 23 inches by 28 inches.