Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/463

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xiv MEINDERT HOBBEMA 449 1650 (?). 261. Landscape with a Broad River. Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Paris. 1657 (?). 77. A Water-Mill in a Village near a Church. Earl of Ellesmere, Bridgewater House, London. 1657 (or 1662). 132. The Old Oak. Heris (Eire) sale, Paris, 1841. 16(5)8. 255. A River Landscape with a Bridge. Detroit Museum. 1659. 32. A Roadside Cottage. Stadel'sches Kunstinstitut, Frankfort. 150. Woody Landscape. Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh. 257. A Flat Landscape with a River. Grenoble Museum. 1661. 228. A Woodland Glade. Carl Triepel sale, Munich, 1874. 1662. 23. A Red Brick Church amid Trees. Baron KSnigswarter sale, Berlin, 1906. 74. Water-Mills in a Wood. G. Martius, Kiel. 88. The Water-Mill. J. Hage, Nivaa. 108. The Water-Mill. E. Kums sale, Antwerp, 1898. 117. A Cottage at the Edge of a Wood, with a Waggon and Horses. O. Pein sale, Cologne, 1888. 129. A Wood with Horsemen. Duveen Brothers, Paris. 173. Landscape with a Clump of Trees and a Pool. Louvre, Paris. 289/5 and /. Two Landscapes. Schwanberg sale, Paris, 1809. 1662 (or 1657). 132. The Old Oak. Heris (Eire) sale, Paris, 1841. i6[6 ?]z (or i66[5 ?]). 46. Wooded Road. Mrs. W. L. Elkins, Philadelphia. 1663. 100. A Water-Mill. W. W. Hope sale, London, 1849. 127. A Road through a Wood. Brussels Museum. 130. A Wooded Landscape with a Cottage and a Horseman. F. Kleinberger, Paris. 136. A Wooded Landscape with Two Cows. O. Beit, London. 171. A Wooded Landscape. J. Pierpont Morgan, New York. 282. A Village by a River. Lady Lawley sale, London, 1879. 1663 (or 1665). 167. Stormy Landscape. Wallace Collection, London. 1664. 30. A Road and a Cottage under a Clump of Trees. WolfF-Ebenrod, Ebenrod. 86. A Water-Mill in the Shade of a Great Oak. Lady Wantage, London. 94. A Wooded Landscape with a Water-Mill. P. A. B. Widener, Philadelphia. i66[5 ?] (or i6[6 ?]2). 46. Wooded Road. Mrs. W. L. Elkins, Philadelphia. 1665 (or 1663). 167. Stormy Landscape. Wallace Collection, London. VOL. IV 2 G