Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/475

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 461 15. THE SCOURGING OF CHRIST. In the centre Christ kneels on one knee, facing the spectator. A lictor in dark brown pulls Him back by the hair. To the right another man kneels on one knee, mocking Christ j he is seen almost from the back and looks up at Christ so that only the helmet on his head is visible ; he leans his left hand on the ground. Rays of light fall on this man, who wears brown stockings and a bluish-grey costume, the sleeves of which are slashed with dark red. To the left of Christ another lictor in brown bends forward, apparently tying up a scourge. Several of the figures are foreshortened and bent backward. The executioner's man is especially good. Signed in full on the right, half-way up, and dated 1664; canvas, 35 inches by 55 inches. See note to 1 1 . Exhibited at Utrecht, 1894, No. 445. In the parsonage of the Augustinian church " De Ster," Amsterdam. 150. The Scourging of Christ. Panel, 12^ inches by i6 inches. Sale. A. Hulzen and others. Amsterdam, May 17, 1870, No. 87 (80 florins). 1 6. CHRIST BEARING THE CROSS. In the centre Christ kneels under the weight of the cross. He wears a dark brown garment. Joseph of Arimathaea, wearing a reddish cape, supports the cross. In the right background are two other figures. To the left kneels the Virgin, seen from the back ; her white kerchief stands out as a spot of light. Dark sky. Canvas, 35 inches by 55 inches. See note to 1 1. In the parsonage of the Augustinian church " De Ster," Amsterdam. 17. The Descent from the Cross. Not quite free from doubt. The picture is ascribed to Sebastian Bourdon. [Possibly identical with 17*.] In the collection of Earl Spencer, Althorp, No. 255. ija. The Descent from the Cross. Figures half life-size. [Possibly identical with 17.] In the church opposite the apple-market, now the church of St. Francis Xavier, Amsterdam, in 1721 (Houbraken, iii. 91), but no longer there. 18. THE VIRGIN WEEPING OVER THE DEAD CHRIST. Christ lies in an attitude, reminiscent of Van Dyck, on a white cloth stretched out on the ground to the right. The weeping Virgin kneels on the right, with folded hands. Mary Magdalen in the centre behind Christ has grasped His hand. To the left is St. John, in a red and dark brown costume, with his hands folded. On the extreme left an elderly man is weeping. Canvas, 35 inches by 55 inches.