Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/478

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464 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. held by a boy who leans on a stick. Behind the horse is an ass in profile to the right. A cock, some hens, and a sleeping dog are round the horse. In the right background a blacksmith hammers out a horseshoe on an anvil at the smithy door, where stands a woman. A fine early work. [Pendant to 231.] Signed in full near the door, and dated 1658 ; panel, io inches by 14! inches. Sale. F. J. O. Boymans, Utrecht, August 31, 1811, No. B 1 10. In the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam, 1905 catalogue, No. 295. 26. THE WOMAN DRINKING. Three-quarter length, seen almost in full face. A young woman, wearing a grey jacket trimmed with white fur, a white apron, and blue ribbons in her hair, sits holding a jug on her lap with her left hand and raising a tall glass to her lips with her right hand. An interesting picture, cool, whitish, and harmonious in tone, enlivened by the white of the collar, the fur, and the apron. [See Introduction, p. 453.] Signed in full on the right at top, and dated 1662 ; panel, 8i inches by 7! inches. In the Dresden inventory of 1722, No. A 640. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1656. 27. PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. The painter sits behind a table, on which to the left lie a fiddle and an open music-book. He wears a dark coat, the sleeves of which are buttoned like shirt-sleeves over the wrists. He leans his right elbow on the table, and his left hand on his hip. He is seen almost in full face and looks at the spectator. His hair is parted in the middle and falls in flowing curls on his shoulders. It is uncertain whether this portrait actually represents Adriaen van de Velde himself. Canvas, 30 inches by 24 inches. Exhibited in the Portrait Exhibition, The Hague, 1903, No. 124. In the Van Bellingen collection, Brussels. In the collection of D. F. Scheurleer, The Hague. 270. Portrait of the Painter. Half-length ; life-size. He holds a piece of chalk in his right hand and his palette and brushes in his left. " Of very delicate drawing, especially in the hands, and executed in a warm though rather heavy tone " (Waagen). In the collection of Lord Northwick, Thirlestane House, Cheltenham, 1855 (Waagen, iii. 208). 28. Portrait of a Mounted Cavalier, said to be Prince Frederick Henry of Orange (who died in 1647). Sm. 103. He wears a yellow costume embroidered in gold, a black hat, and high boots. He rides a black horse, finely caparisoned, across a meadow, followed at a distance by a greyhound. Cows in the landscape, and distant hills. Light clouds in the sky. A " beautiful and exquisitely finished picture . . . nothing in art can be more sweetly pencilled or more perfect in drawing and colour" (Sm.).