Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/48

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34 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 83. View of Haarlem across a Spacious Plain. Sm. 244, and Suppl. 96. In the foreground are several cottages and bleaching-grounds. A woman and a boy, followed by a dog, are on a road to the right j the figures are very small. [Compare 86, and Soeb.] Canvas, 33 inches by 25^ inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1819. According to a MS. note by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue, it is probably identical with 86 ; but compare the dimensions. Saks. G. J. Cholmondeley, London, 1831 (94 : ios.). Nieuwenhuys, London, May 10, 1833 (204: 153.). Lord North wick, London, May 12, 1838 (210). 83*7. View of the Dunes near Haarlem. Sm. Suppl. 6. To the left is a bleaching-ground. Beyond it are cottages. The open plain is dotted with clumps of trees. In front are sandhills overgrown with tufts of long grass. In the distance is a church. [Possibly identical with 57.] Canvas, 13 inches by 16 inches. In the De Reus collection, The Hague, 1842 (Sm.) ; it was bought as a whole by one of the Rothschilds. 83^. View of Haarlem from the Dunes. Signed in full ; canvas, 16 inches by 21^ inches. Sale. P. de Leeuw and P. Barbiers, Amsterdam, July n, 1843, No. 204. 84. View of Haarlem from the Dunes. To the left is a plot overgrown with trees and bushes. In the right foreground is a sandy plain. A house is fenced off from the road ; in front of it are several small figures. The execution is very delicate. Canvas, 14 inches by 16 inches. Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1845, No. 46. Sale. Mile. Schenkhuizen, widow of J. H. Molkenboer, Amsterdam, September 6, 1853, No. 21 (6350 florins, Meffre). 85. View of Haarlem. The spectator looks from a dune across the wooded stretches of Aardenhout, broken alternately with sandy roads and with meadows, to the town with its picturesque churches and towers. To the right is a fine country-house with other buildings. In front are a sportsman with his dog and other persons walking. The cloudy sky casts shadows here and there on the plain. Canvas, 30^ inches by 28 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, September 26, 1854, No. 35. Amsterdam, November 29, 1854, No. 41 (1575 florins). 86. View of Haarlem. On the slope of a little hill are several country-houses amid trees and gardens. On the grass linen is spread out to bleach. On the right a woman and a child walk along a road. [Possibly identical with 83.] Signed ; canvas, 26 inches by 2oJ inches. Sale. Baron von Mecklenburg, Paris, December n, 1854, No. 18 (7900 francs, Berthold Legrier) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 504.