Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/481

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 467 34. THREE HORSEMEN LEAVING AN INN. On the left is an inn, with a large verandah on the right and several stone steps leading up to it. Under the leafy shade three men sit at table ; the host stands on the left ; on the right an old woman leans over the balustrade, and a little girl peeps over to the left of her. In front three horsemen have halted. One to the left, seen from the back, drinks : the second man, turned three-quarters right and facing the spectator, has a groom adjusting his saddle-girth ; the man on the right blows a horn. Under this man's horse are seen three hens pecking for food. At the foot of the steps stands a beggar. In front of the steps are a beggar-woman with a child on her back and a boy at her side, and the hostess holding a wine-jug in her right hand and a glass in her left. In the left foreground two dogs are fighting. Panel, 15 inches by 17 inches. In the Otto collection, Leipzig. In the collection of G. M. Clauss, Leipzig, who gave it to the Museum in 1860. In the Leipzig Museum, 1891 catalogue, No. 358. 35. SOLDIERS AND CATTLE ON A FIELD-PATH. A herdsman drives cattle along a path across a pasture. Farther back are two soldiers, one on horseback and the other leading his horse. In the distance is a village church. Seven horsemen gallop across the plain. An excellent work. The brown cows are especially good. The figures stand out very finely against the clear sky. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1667 (not 1661, as the catalogue states) ; panel, i o inches by 1 3^ inches. In the Luxemburg Museum, 1872 catalogue, No. 76. 36. AN ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. Sm. 1 1 6. A herdsman sits beside a stone Renaissance fountain, at which a woman riding a horse lets the animal drink. On the other side a dog drinks. In front of the fountain stands a spotted cow ; two sheep are lying down. In the right foreground is a sheep ; to the left lies a cow. Signed in full on the fountain, and dated 1670 ; canvas, 16 inches by 17^ inches. In the Electoral Gallery, Munich. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 490. 37. TWO HORSEMEN, A WOMAN WITH A CHILD, AND A BLIND FLUTE-PLAYER IN A LANDSCAPE. Sm. 23, and Suppl. 5. To the left is a cottage, with a tree, the top of which is cut off by the frame. In front of it stands a man, seen from the back, who holds his grey horse by the bridle. To the right, behind the horse, is another horseman, conversing with a beggar-woman who stands to the right, nursing her child in her arms. Beside her to the right, on the road, a blind flute-player is led by his dog on a leash. In the right distance are cattle, cottages, and the gate of a town. The figures are exceptionally large for the painter, as in the Wallace Collection picture (2) ;