Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/484

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47 o ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. Canvas, 16 inches by 21 1 inches. In the possession of the dealer Nieuwenhuys. Sales. . Rh6ne, Paris, May 6, 1861, No. 67. Isaac Pereire, Paris, March 6, 1872, No. 172 (26,700 francs). 47*. Landscape with a Horseman. With peasants and dogs on a sandy road. Signed; 18 inches by 24 inches. Sale. De Falbe, London, May 19, 1900, No. 136. 48. THE FERRY. Sm. 139. In the left middle distance is a steep cliff with trees on the top, sloping down to a river which flows from the right foreground towards the centre distance and has a similar steep cliff on the farther side, in the right distance. On the flat bank in the left foreground, in sunlight, a herdsman on a mule and a lady on a horse are waiting for the ferry. The herdsman, wearing a sheepskin jacket with red sleeves, sits almost in profile to the left. He converses with a shepherdess in blue who stands at the mule's head, behind the animal ; he turns his head away from the spectator and points with his right hand into the distance. Behind, and slightly to the right of him, the lady, in yellow and blue, sits almost facing the spectator but with her head in profile to the left ; her horse is seen in a three-quarter view, with his head to the front. To the left, in front, is a dog in sunlight. On the extreme left, in the shadow of the cliff, a cow, seen from the back in a three-quarter view with its head to the right, is drinking at a fountain. In the centre, at the horse's head, are two sheep. Behind them stands a traveller, seen from the back ; he leans on his stick and watches the ferry-boat, laden with cattle and figures, which is in the middle of the stream and is reflected in the water. In the centre distance the hills fall away to a plain ; against the plain and the river the traveller's figure stands out prominently. " A highly studied and beautiful production " (Sm.). Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1666 ; canvas, 13^ inches by 15 inches. Engraved by J. A. R. Bert. In the collection of A. L. van Heteren, The Hague (Hoet, ii. 460), till 1809, when it was acquired for the Museum. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 2445 (in 1834 Sm. valued it at ^420). 49. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. Hilly country with a leafy wood. To the left, a little way back, are beeches in a glade. On a road leading through the wood a herdsman, accompanied by a boy and a girl with a basket on her head, drives his animals towards the front ; he has a cow and a saddled mule with sheep and goats. On a bank to the right sits a woman conversing with the herdsman ; near her stands an old peasant. In the distance, above the trees, are seen low hills. Evening light to the right. Very fine. Signed in full on the right, and dated 1668 ; canvas, 21 inches by 26^ inches. Acquired in 1853 for the Berlin Museum.