Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/490

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476 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. driver sits on the shaft ; a woman and child are in the cart. Beyond a shepherd drives his flock. Farther away are cows and sheep in a pasture surrounded by high trees. Evening. " A pleasing example " (Sm.). Signed, and dated 1661 ; panel, io| inches by 15 inches. Sales. P. de Smeth van Alphen, Amsterdam, August I, 1810, No. 106 (850 florins, Yver). J. de Vos, Amsterdam, July 2, 1833, No. 35 (704 florins). In the collection of Charles Brind, London, 1834 (Sm.). 66. The Waggon. Sm. 132. An open hilly country with a high wooded cliff at the side. In front is a pool, through which passes a tilt waggon, drawn by two oxen and two horses. One of the drivers is at the side of the leading horse ; the other, carrying a long pole, rides on a horse beside the oxen. In the waggon are several persons ; beside it are two cows, a goat, and two sheep. Farther away a peasant drives three cows up a hill towards an old tree. Described from an engraving by F. Basan (Sm.). 67. Landscape with a Horseman and a Post-Waggon. Sm. 140. A wide view over open country with corn-fields and meadows. At the foot of a gently sloping hill to the right two trees grow beside a rustic fence. On a winding road in front is a woman with a child at her back, followed by a boy. In the centre a man drives a flock of sheep. Beyond him is a man on a grey horse, with three dogs. Beside the rider stands another man pointing to a post-waggon, which is seen approaching on the farther side of a corn-field. Described by Sm. from an engraving by Chenu entitled "La Maison, ou 1'Ete." In the collection of Count Brtihl, when engraved. 68. THE FORD. Through a shallow pool in front a peasant leads forward a bull, holding it by its right horn with his left hand. The man looks round to the left at a shepherdess, who stands behind him on the bank, holding a lamb in her arms. Farther towards the left distance an old shepherd holds a sheep by the tail. On the bank to the right, behind the bull, is a great oak, the upper part of which is cut off by the frame. At the foot of it is a dog. On the left come sheep and goats. Wooded distance. In the late manner, recalling Van Bergen. Replica of 69 (London). Canvas, 13! inches by 16 inches. Probably identical with the " Landscape with Cattle returning homeward," mentioned by Parthey (ii. 706). In the Esterhazy collection, Vienna, 1835 catalogue, p. 10, No. 32. In the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 1910 catalogue, No. 378. 69. THE FORD. Sm. 8, and Suppl. 28. Replica of 68, for which see the description. "An admirable picture, of the rarest beauty and perfection" (Sm.). [Pendant to 100.] Canvas, 13 inches by 14^ inches. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1818.