Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/502

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488 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. Sa/es.Ant. Sijdervelt, Amsterdam, April 23, 1766 (Terw. 511), No. 10 (560 florins). Du Bois, Paris, March 31, 1784 (2200 francs). Paris, 1827 (5550 francs). 1 06. A Milkmaid. Sm. 146. In a meadow an old willow grows on the left near a fence. In front lie a sheep and a yellow cow. Beyond a woman milks a red cow. Apparently a replica of 96, and identical with 94. Signed, and dated 1670 ; panel, 5| inches by 7 inches. In the collection of Earl de Grey, 1834 (Sm.). io6a. Landscape with a Peasant in Blue milking. With a herdsman. Sale. T. French, London, 1855 (348 : 155., Pearce). 107. Landscape with a Milkmaid. In the middle distance are thick clumps of trees, above which rise the ruins of a tower, overgrown with bushes and creeping plants. In front, beside a placid stream, a woman kneels to milk a cow. Near her are other animals, among them a cow standing up, several sheep, and a red cow lying near a goat with some kids. Canvas, 16 inches by 20 inches. Sale. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 129 (630 francs, Warneck). 1 08. A Milkmaid. Sm. 65, and Suppl. 27. In a meadow near a farm, a girl, wearing a red bodice, a blue skirt, and a white apron, sits milking a tawny cow with a white face. A young herdsman lies behind her at the foot of a tree. Near him lies a goat. On the other side, two sheep and a lamb lie in a group. Farther away lies another cow. A fourth sheep is near a pollard willow. The sky is overcast with rain-clouds. An "admirable specimen " (Sm.). Similar to 113 (Sm.). Signed, and dated 1669 ; canvas, inches by 16 inches. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868, No. 664. Sales. Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., and George Hibbert, London, May 14, 1802 (140). Sir Simon Clarke, Bart., London, 1840 (^346 : ios., Acraman). In the collection of D. Acraman, Bristol, 1 842 (Sm.). In the collection of Henry Harvey, 1868. 109. A Milkmaid outside a Cottage. Sm. 92, and Suppl. 17. In the left foreground lies a herdsman, playing with his dog. In the centre, a girl in a blue skirt milks a red cow, which stands in profile to the right. In the right foreground lie a cow and a sheep. Behind them is a stream, with a cottage amid trees on the farther bank. On the left a cottage stands behind a pollard willow, with sheep near it. " Exquisitely painted " (Sm.). Signed, and dated 1670 ; panel, 9 inches by inches. Engraved by Courtry. Sale. Hart Davis, London, 1814 (65 : 25.). In the collection of Baron von Mecklenburg, Paris.