Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/504

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490 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. 13 inches by 17 inches. Sale. E. Secretan, London, July 13, 1889, No. 8. 113. LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. See Sm. 65. Under a great oak on the right a woman sits milking a brown cow. Near her lies another cow. The woman converses laughingly with a herdsman who sits on the ground, leaning on a brass milk-pail. Near them is a dog. Farther away two cows are lying down and two sheep are grazing. Hilly background. Similar to 108 (Sm.). [Pendant to 257, which may be identical with 122.] Canvas, 12 inches by 16 inches. Sales. J. H. van Heemskerck, The Hague, March 29, 1770, No. 124 (225 florins, Deodati). Jan van Dijk, Amsterdam, March 14, 1791, No. 53 (58 florins, Fouquet). J. Gildemeester, Amsterdam, June II, 1800, No. 241 (500 florins or 425 florins, according to Sm. Zuyderhoef). Messchert van Vollenhovcn, Amsterdam, March 29, 1892, No. 26 (700 florins, Lesser). 114. A HILLY LANDSCAPE WITH A WOODED HEIGHT TO THE LEFT. In front of the height a woman milks a red spotted cow. Beyond is a brown cow, and to the left are two sheep and a goat. To the left is a cottage amid trees. In the middle distance are thick bushes and trees. Distant hills. [Possibly identical with 103/1 Compare 102.] Signed in full on the right ; panel, 8 inches by io inches. Sales. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 128 (1500 florins, Foucart). Foucart, Valenciennes, October 12, 1898, No. 120 (1600 francs). 115. Milking-Time. Probably a replica of 96. [Cf. 94.] Panel, 5 inches by 6| inches. In the collection of J. H. Anderdon, London, 1879. Sale. James Orrock, London, June 4, 1904, No. 301. 115*7. A Wooded Landscape with a Milkmaid. A cow and a sheep are near a cottage. 2o| inches by 26 inches. Sale. Corbett Winder and others, London, June 17, 1905, No. 132. 1 1 6. A Cattle-Market. Canvas, 24^ inches by 29 inches. Exhibited at Lemberg, 1909, No. 6. In the collection of Prince George Czartoryski, Lemberg. 117. A Cattle-Market. In a little grove are wooden enclosures, in which cattle stand or lie down, and are fed or sold. A road leads through the centre from left to right ; on it a coach goes to the right. In the left foreground are a gentleman and two ladies, of whom a boy begs. A dog is jumping over the fence in the right foreground into the marshy pool