Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/520

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5 o6 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. The description, but not the size, agrees with that of 160. Sale. Jan Gildemeester, Amsterdam, June 1 1, 1800, No. 240 (650 florins, H. Croese). 163. Huntsmen. On a hill to the right of a hilly landscape is a great tree within a fence ; near it is a dog. Not far away are a horseman, followed by two dogs, and a huntsman on foot. On the left a stream lined with trees flows away ; near it are a herdsman and his cattle. Here and there are peasants. Canvas, 25 inches by 20 inches. Sales. H. Croese, Amsterdam, September 18, 1811, No. 94 (300 florins, Van der Voort). Amsterdam, July 20, 1812, No. 65 (320 florins, Hulswit). 164. A Hunting-Party. In a dune landscape a gentleman and a lady ride to the chase, attended by a huntsman carrying a dead hare. Farther back is a falconer with a hoop of hawks and various dogs. In the distance is Scheveningen, with many small figures. Panel, 10 inches by 14 inches. Sale. F. Kamermans, Rotterdam, October 3, 1825, No. 27 (351 florins, Oosterwijk). 165. A Mounted Sportsman and a Peasant. In the foreground of a hilly landscape, a sportsman on a bay horse, with a gun in his hand, speaks to a peasant standing beside a brown cow. A sheep standing up and several sheep lying down, near another cow. Panel, 10 inches by 12 inches. Sale. (Van Roothaan) Amsterdam, March 29, 1826, No. 113 (605 florins, S. van den Berg). 1 66. A Hilly Landscape with a Road and Sportsmen. Sm. Suppl. 25. A road leads away from the centre foreground and winds round a bank at the side. Here a gentleman on a grey horse and a sportsman on foot are going away ; the sportsman points towards the distance. Three dogs follow them. Two peasants rest on a bank. Beyond them, across open ground, are cottages amid trees. On the right is a sandhill with a decayed fence. A cool evening. Canvas, i8| inches by 24^ inches. In the Van der Hoop collection, Amsterdam, 1842 (Sm.) ; but not to be traced in the old catalogues of the collection, nor in the Rijksmuseum. 167. A Pointer with a Hare. In the foreground of a wooded landscape is a brown spotted pointer, with a dead hare lying in front of it. Canvas, 32 inches by 40 inches. Sale. M. van Noort, Leyden, April 29, 1845, No. 16 (143 florins, Van der Hulst). 1 68. A Rocky Landscape with Sportsmen. A rather dark picture of unusual size ; of the late period, but very attractive. A very large picture.