Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/537

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 523 and brown spotted cow lies facing right. Behind her, in sunlight, stands a brown cow with a white head facing left. Farther to the left is a third cow. A foal is being suckled by a mare. Farther away are sheep. In the distance is a church amid trees. At the first glance the picture suggests the work of a follower of Potter's, like Klomp. But a closer inspection reveals the delicacy of A. van de Velde's handling. The picture is, however, somewhat too large for his youthful powers ; attention may be directed, for example, to the treatment of the grass, to the heavy brown of the cow at the back, and to its inaccurate proportions relatively to the cow in front. Signed in full on the right, and dated 1656; canvas, 26 inches by 23 inches. In the Wachtmeister collection, Wanas, 1895 catalogue, No. 79. 235. COWS AND SHEEP AT PASTURE. With a view of a canal and a farm. A very fine work. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 166-. In the collection of Count Czernin von Chudenitz, Vienna, No. 1 84. 236. COWS AND SHEEP NEAR TREES. Of the late period. In the Engelberts collection, Landshut (Switzerland), about the year 1893. In the Zurich Gallery ; apparently the property of the Gottfried Keller Foundation. 237. Oxen, Sheep, and other Animals. Sale. Jan Agges, Amsterdam, August 16, 1702 (Hoet, i. 66), No. 35 (205 florins). 2370. A Cow drinking, with other Animals and Figures. Exceptionally fine. Sale. Pieter van der Lip, Amsterdam, June 14, 1712 (Hoet, i. 146), No. 3 (300 florins). 237^. Cows, Horses, Sheep, and Figures. Especially fine. Sale. Cornelis van Dijck, The Hague, May 10, 1713 (Hoet, i. 160), No. 17 (300 florins). 237*:. Cows, Horses, Sheep, and Figures. Somewhat larger than 237^. Sale. Cornelis van Dijck, The Hague, May 10, 1713 (Hoet, i. 160), No. 1 8 (115 florins). 237^. A Cow drinking, and other Animals. Sale. Quiryn van Biesum, Amsterdam, October 18, 1719 (Hoet, i. 233), No. 133 (270 florins). 237*. Horses, Cows, Sheep, and other Animals. Sale. Quiryn van Biesum, Amsterdam, October 18, 1719 (Hoet, i. 233), No. 134 (75 florins).