Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/545

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 531 252*7. Landscape with Cattle. 22^ inches by 28 inches. Sale. The Hague, November 16, 1790, No. 4 (1200 florins, Ten Kate). 252-^. Landscape with Cattle and Two Withered Trees. Cows and sheep repose near a hill, at the foot of which are two withered trees. In the distance is a spacious hilly landscape. Panel, 16 inches by 20 inches. Sale. J. C. Werther, Amsterdam, April 25, 1792, No. 163. 253. A Pasture with a Grey Ox, a Sheep, and a Cow. Sm. 53. The cow is seen in full face, foreshortened. Beyond are trees with scanty foliage. Panel, 9^ inches by io inches. Sales. Lollier, Paris, April 6, 1789 (1200 francs). Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794 (731 francs). 254. A Pasture with a Grey Ox. Sm. 66. A grey ox with a white face stands alone. 10 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Destouches, Paris, March 21, 1794 (761 francs). 254*7. Italian Landscape with Cattle. In the foreground of a hilly landscape lie a cow and sheep. Near them a horse and a he-goat stand by an old building and a waterfall. Wooded distance. Dated 1662 ; canvas, 12 inches by 14 inches. Sale. L. Th. de Vogel, Amsterdam, October 20, 1794, No. 5. 255 and 256. Two Landscapes with Cattle and Figures. Sm. 57 and 58. [Pendants.] Sale. Baron Nagel, London, March 21, 1795 (54 : izs., and 4.6 148.). 256*7. Landscape with Cattle. In a hilly landscape are three horses, one of them lying down. Near them are a cow, sheep, and kids. Panel, 9 inches by n inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 5, 1796, No. no (32 florins, Thompson). 2$6b. A Small Landscape with Cattle and -Horses. Sales. Charles Alexandre de Calonne, London, March 23, 1795, No. 17 (23 : 2s.) see Buchanan, i. 234. Bryan, London, May 17, 1798, No. 16 (17) see Buchanan, i. 281. 256*:. Landscape with Cattle and Figures. Tender and trans- parent. An excellent work. Sale. Bryan, London, May 17, 1798, No. 46 (50 : 8s.) see Buchanan, i. 279. 257. A Flat Landscape with a Ruin. See Sm. 150. A woman sits beside a sleeping peasant. In front lie cows and sheep. Beyond are other cattle. [Pendant to 113. Possibly identical with 122.]