Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/564

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550 ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE SECT. Canvas, 5 inches by 4^ inches. Sale. D. Versteegh, Amsterdam, November 3, 1823, No. 38 (880 florins, with pendant, Brondgeest). 3227: Two Sheep in a Landscape. Panel. Sale, Ommeganck, Antwerp, June 19, 1827, No. 808. 323. A Ram and a Sheep in a Meadow. Sm. 114. A ram lies in front. Beyond it stands a sheep. Dated 1651 ; panel, 5^ inches by 5 inches. Sale. London, 1828 (10 : ios.). 323*7. Landscape with a Woman near Sheep. Panel. Sale. Amsterdam, August 2, 1828, No. 123 (30 florins, Hopman). 324. A Herdsman playing with his Dog. Sm. 156. Two lambs and a sheep lie in the foreground of a barren landscape. Beyond sits the herdsman playing with his dog. Near an old tree to the right is another sheep. [Pendant to 325.] Dated 1661 ; panel, 8 inches by 6| inches. In the collection of the Hon. Henry Windsor, London, 1834 (Sm.). 325. Landscape with Sheep. In front lies a sheep. Another sheep with a ragged fleece stands near it. At a distance, on the other side, a man and a woman sit together near a cottage. [Pendant to 324.] Panel, 8 inches by 6| inches. In the collection of the Hon. Henry Windsor, London, 1834 (Sm.). 325*7. Landscape with Figures and Sheep by a Stream. Sale. T. Norris, London, 1873 (105, Smith). 326. LANDSCAPE WITH A GOAT AND A KID. On a path in the centre stands the goat in profile to the right. Behind it on the left stands the kid with its head to the front. In the left foreground is a tree with strongly lighted branches ; the top is cut off by the frame. Behind the animals is a thick wood, above which to the right is the cloudy sky. The animals are in full light. The landscape may be by Moucheron, to whom it is ascribed in the Habich sale-catalogue. It is very dark. The foreground seems to be by the same hand as the animals. A very charm- ing picture. Canvas, 15^ inches by 19 inches. Sale. Edward Habich, Kassel, May 2, 1892, No. 150; but sold in 1891, before the sale, to the National Gallery (with twelve other pictures for 2807). In the National Gallery, London, 1906 catalogue, No. 1348. 326*7. A Picture with Horses and Figures. A fine work. 36 inches by 56 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 29, 1732 (Hoet, i. 373), No. 6 (350 florins).