Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/577

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xv ADRIAEN VAN DE VELDE 563 door conversing with two men, one of whom is seated. Near them is a dog. A fisherman comes past. In the centre a road leads away, bending to the right round a dune. On the road a traveller with a dog goes away ; a woman comes forward towards him. The dunes to right and left are grass-grown ; above them are seen ships' masts. On a dune in the centre stand a horseman and a fisherman, seen from the back, with a dog to the left of them. A lady and a gentleman walk towards them. Beyond the dunes is the rough sea. The sky fills more than half the picture. An astonishingly fresh picture, obviously painted from nature. Signed with the monogram on the right at foot, and dated 1667 ; panel, nj inches by 15^ inches. Exhibited in the Six Exhibition, Amsterdam, 1900, No. 149. Sale. J. van Nispen, The Hague, September 12, 1768 (Terw. 671), No. 9 (165 florins). In the collection of Six van Hillegom, Amsterdam, 1834 (Sm., who valued it at 210}. In the collection of J. Six, Amsterdam. 354. A COAST SCENE. In the centre are two men ; one is seen from the back ; the other lies on the ground, pointing to the right. Many small figures on the shore. The picture has something of the manner of Abraham Storck. Signed on the left at foot, with a second signature beneath, that has been read as "Storck" ; panel, io| inches by 14 inches. In the collection of the late Q. C. Shaw, Boston. 355. THE SHORE AT SCHEVENINGEN. Sm. 130. The blue sky with light clouds fills four-fifths of the picture. To the right is the sea ; the waves break gently on the beach. To the left is the shore with the dunes, behind which rise the church, a house, and a distant tower. In the right foreground are fishermen with nets ; one fisherman stands apart on the extreme right looking out to sea. From the centre a lady and gentleman from the town approach, walking hand in hand ; behind them are a boy, a woman and a dog. Behind them to the right a waggon with two horses stands in the water. A waggon with four horses comes down from the dunes. Near the front a man, a woman, and children wade through a stream. On the extreme left a horseman gallops up, followed by a dog. Beyond, at the foot of the dunes, are boats ; one of them is afloat. The finest of the painter's coast scenes. Sm. was wrong in asserting that "this once beautiful picture" had been "severely injured by cleaning and restoration." Signed in full on the left at foot on a piece of wood, and dated 1658 ; canvas, 20 inches by 28^ inches. In the principal Kassel inventory of 1749, No. 98. In the Louvre, Paris, 1806-15. In the Kassel Gallery, 1903 catalogue, No. 374. 356. ON THE SHORE. Sm. 149. In the left foreground a fisherman's family, eight persons in all, are seated near a wooden hut. Among them, on the left, are a mother with a child, who stretches out