Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/600

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5 86 PAULUS POTTER SECT. Indeed, one of Klomp's best works passed under Potter's name in the celebrated Hope collection, No. 63. CAMPHUYSEN (1623 or 1624-1672) also had for a long time to give up his best pictures, at Kassel, St. Petersburg, and elsewhere, to his famous prototype. Nowadays he is easily recognised, by the types of his animals and figures, by their proportions, and by the colour, as a distinct artistic personality, not without talent. The exact contrary of this must be said of ADRIAEN VERDOEL (about 1620 after 1695), who in all his work is an imitator, either of Jacob de Wet and his compeers, or, as in his Schwerin picture, of Potter's " Pigsty " (169) at Brussels. An artist, who is known from documents as a pupil of Ph. Wouwer- man, namely, EMANUEL MURANT (1622 -about 1700), in painting the animals which fill a subordinate part in his pictures, followed so closely the manner of Potter that Murant's pictures of this kind have often been ascribed to the great master of cattle-painting. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries a whole series of cattle-painters have been inspired by Potter's art. Among them were, above all, Johan van Gool (1685-1763), Abraham Carrie (1694-1758 see note to 94), Johannes Kobell (1778-1814), and P. G. van Os (1776-1839), who were highly treasured by their contemporaries, and who led the way for the still later B. P. Ommeganck (1755-1826), Eugene Verboeckhoven (1798-1881), and others. TRANSLATOR'S NOTE In the references added to the entries in the Catalogue "Sm." = Smith, "Catalogue Raisonne," vol. v. (1834). "Sm. Suppl." = Smith, "Catalogue Raisonne," Supplement (1842). "W." and "W. ii." = Westrheene, "Paul us Potter, sa vie et ses ceuvres " (1867). He gives three lists of pictures : (i) those which could be traced in his day here referred to as " W." ; ( 2 ) those which had been mentioned by Sm., but could not be traced by Westrheene here referred to as "W. ii." ; (3) pictures occurring at sales, which might or might not be included in (i) and (2) ; these are not numbered by Westrheene, and are not referred to here.