Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/603

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xvi PAULUS POTTER 589 for the date 1640 on a picture in the Perkins sale, London, 1896, is not genuine. He painted it when he was a youth of sixteen or seventeen. He is wholly influenced by his father, especially in the types of the figures ; possibly these are to be attributed to the father himself. There is also very much which reminds one of Moeyaert, such as the rendering of the cattle ; indeed the subject itself has often been treated by Moeyaert. Signed in full on the work to the right, and dated 1642 ; canvas, 38^ inches by 52 inches. Exhibited in the Rupprecht Exhibition, Munich, 1889 not catalogued. Sale. H. Th. Hoch, Munich, September 19, 1892, No. 168 (the Germanic Museum). In the Germanic Museum, Niirnberg, but not mentioned in the catalogues of 1893 and 1909. 2. Jacob before the Meeting with Esau. In a landscape. Dated 1642. Sales. MacGillivray, London, 1868 (91, Radcliffe). Brooks, London, 1871 (.132, Lord Dudley) but not in the Dudley sale, London, February 25, 1892. ia. The Prodigal Son with the Swine. A sketch. In the Blankensee collection, Berlin, 1856 (Parthey, ii. 284). 3. ORPHEUS WITH HIS LYRE CHARMING THE BEASTS. Sm. 27 ; W. 4. At the foot of a wooded hill, which rises steeply in the left middle distance, Orpheus sits playing his lyre. He wears a blue tunic and a red cloak, and faces the spectator. Around him the animals are assembled. Some of them are lying down, such as two lions, a cow, a goat, a hare and a dog. On the left stand a dromedary, a wild boar, and an ass j on the right is an elephant. Nearer the front are a stag and a unicorn in sunlight at the entrance to a wood on the right, in which many animals are seen approaching. Each animal is very care- fully painted, but not, in most cases, from nature. Not a pleasing picture. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1650 ; canvas, 25 inches by 34^ inches 26^ inches by 35 inches according to the Amsterdam catalogue. A copy or replica is in the collection of the Duke of Bedford, London. Sale. Jacques de Roore, The Hague, September 4, 1747 (1000 florins). In the collection of Willem Lormier, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 435); in his store-room catalogue of December 1754, No. 219. Sales. W. Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763, No. 212 (1300 florins). W. van Wouw and others, The Hague, May 29, 1764, No. I (975 florins). In the collection of A. L. van Heteren, The Hague ; bought as a whole for the Rijksmuseum in 1809 : Sm. valued it in 1834 (at 600). In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1910 catalogue, No. 1912. 4. THE LIFE OF THE HUNTSMAN. Sm. 6, and Suppl. 5-18 ; W. 94. Fourteen scenes of an allegorical tendency. The twelve smaller pictures are grouped around the two largest in the centre, begin- ning in the left upper corner in the following order :