Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/628

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614 PAULUS POTTER SECT. 57^. A Bull, Cows, and Sheep. In an elevated foreground lies a black cow, with a young red bull behind it. In the middle distance, near some willows, lie two sheep, near a cow which is grazing. Canvas, 13^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 270 (81 florins, M. van Cleef). 5jc. A Calf and some Sheep near a Farm. A haystack and trees. Canvas, 12 inches by 12 inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 271 (115 florins, Chaplin). Three Cows and a Sheep in a Meadow. Farther away is a woman. In the distance is a little wood. Sale. B. Mallinus, Brussels, September 22, 1842, No. 5. 58. A Bull and Four Sheep. A yellow and white spotted bull stands in front, strongly relieved against a dark sky. Four sheep graze near a little fence j one is standing and the other three are lying down. The picture has been damaged. Panel, 13 J inches by u^ inches. Sale. Cardinal Fesch, Rome, March 17, 1845, No. 185 No. 206 of the 1841 catalogue. 580. A White Cow standing and a Sheep lying down. Panel, 8| inches by 8 inches. Sale. Utrecht, September 22, 1851, No. 123. 58^. An Ox, a Cow, and a Sheep. With a shepherdess. Sun- light. Signed, and dated 1647. In the collection of Mile. Hoofman, Haarlem. In the collection of Labouchere, Stocke, near Windsor, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 422). 58^. A Cow, a Sheep, and a Herdsman. In a landscape. In the Motz collection, Bremen, 1858 (Parthey, ii. 286). 58^. Three Oxen and Four Sheep in a Landscape. See W. 92. In the collection of the Duke of Modena, 1859, No. 232 ; according to W., the Duke took the picture with him into exile in that year. 59. Three Cows and a Lamb. One cow is lying down. Of the two standing, one rubs itself against a tree, at the foot of which lies a lamb. On the right is a waggon with four horses. In the distance is a town. Panel, 16 inches by 2o| inches. Sales. Louis Rapedius de Berg, Malines, 1839. J. J. Chapuis, Brussels, December 4, 1865, No. 317 (575 francs, Warneck). 60. Three Cows, Oxen, and a Sheep in a Meadow. W. 69. Cloudy sky.