Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/635

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xvi PAULUS POTTER 621 Sale. W. Six, Amsterdam, May 12, 1734 (Hoet, i. 412), No. 40 (500 florins). 77<r. Cattle in a Meadow. 33! inches by 27 inches. Sale. M. van Hoeken and T. Hartsoeker, The Hague, May I, 1742 (Hoet, ii. 58), No. 62 (35 florins). . Cattle at Pasture. A very fine picture. 1 8 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 25, 1743 (Hoet, ii. 124), No. 3 (350 florins). 77*. Cattle in a Landscape. 42 inches by 61^ inches. Sale. David letswaart, Amsterdam, April 22, 1749 (Hoet, ii. 241), No. 44 (27 florins 15). 77/1 Cattle in a Meadow. 12^ inches by 19^ inches. Sales. Van Zwieten, The Hague, April 12, 1741 (Hoet, ii. 20), No. 119 (13 florins), bought in. Gerard Bicker van Zwieten, The Hague, April 4, 1755 (Terw. 120), No. 42 (74 florins). . A Bright Red Cow with other Cattle. The cattle are standing or lying down in a meadow. A village in the distance. Canvas, 14^ inches by 19 inches. Sale. J. van der Marck, Amsterdam, August 25, 1773, No. 247 (46 florins, Oden). 77^. Landscape with Cattle. Signed, P. Potter. Sale. J. van der Maas and the widow of P. van Spijk, Rotterdam, June 30, 1783, No. lor (24 florins, Brouw). 77*. Cattle in a Meadow. Standing and lying down. Signed, P. Potter; panel, 15 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Kien van Citters, Amsterdam, August 21, 1798, No. 102 (23 florins, Roos). 777. Cattle in a Landscape. A small picture. Sale. Bryan, London, 1798 (.15 : 153., Sir F. Bourgeois). Probably identical with the dubious Potter, "Two Cows under a Tree" panel, 7 inches by 8^ inches catalogued as a copy in the Dulwich College Gallery, 1892 catalogue, No. 324 (old No. 22). 77>. Cattle in a Meadow. Sale. Jan de Bosch, Amsterdam, April 1 1, 1825, No. 40. 77/. Landscape with Cattle. Panel, 16 inches by 19 inches.