Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/646

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SECT. 632 PAULUS POTTER 100. A Bull and Two Cows, one of which is being Milked. Sm. 76 ; W. ii. 24. On a low hill in front of bushes stands a reddish cow, which is being milked by a woman in a red jacket. A young brown bull with a white face lies near her. Another cows rubs itself against a tree at the side. An early work (Sm.). Signed ; panel, 10 inches by u inches. Sales. Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam, August 4, 1828, No. 105 (900 florins, Brondgeest). Thomas Emmerson, London, 1829 (111 : 6s. according to Sm. ; but 330 according to W.). Heris (Eire), Paris, March 25, 1841, No. 31 (3600 francs) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 443. looa. Two Cows near a Farm. One is being milked by a woman. At the door is a man smoking. A boy plays with a dog. 19 inches by 25 inches. Sale. The Hague, July 13, 1857. 101. Three Cows and a Milkmaid. Two cows stand ; the third is lying down. Near a hedge a milkmaid with pails stands conversing with a peasant seated at the foot of a willow. In the left distance are cottages and trees. Panel, 10 inches by 12^ inches. Sales. (Probably) Baronne de Pagniet, Utrecht, July 26, 1836, No. 21 (390 florins, Knibbe for Brondgeest) a copy, according to a MS. note in the sale catalogue. D. van der Schrieck of Louvain, Brussels, April 8, 1861, No. 82 (1500 francs, Geldorf). Cattle and Figures in a Landscape. A girl milks a cow. 23 inches by 32 inches. Sale. P. Roelfsema, Alberta Backer ten Over, and M. P. Grimminge, Groningen, June 22, 1863, No. 144. A Woman milking a Cow. Another cow lying down, with three sheep. Signed, and dated 1651. Sale. Willet Adye, London, 1871 (346 : ios., bought in). 102. The Milkmaid. Sm. 56 ; W. ii. 19. A meadow with water in front and a tree at the side, with a horse standing in the shade. Some cows are on the bank of the pool, and several sheep are near them. In the left foreground a peasant converses with a woman milking a cow. Dated 1651 (Sm.) ; panel, about i6| inches by 20^ inches. Exhibited at Leeds, 1868, No. 617. Sales. Willett Willett, London, 1813 (698 : 53., bought in). Willett Willett, London, 1819 (420). R. Napier, London, April n, 1877 (315); noted by Roberts, Memorials of Christie's, i. 265, as "doubtfully genuine."