Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/691

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INDEX 677 Velde 69, 108, 262, 263 Clarke, S. Ruhdael 784 Clarke, Mrs. Stephenson. Velde 214 Clauss, G. M. Velde 34 Claussin. Velde 20, 94 Clave-Bouhaben. Ruhda Hobbema 2 id Cleeff, M. van. Ruhdael 388 Potter 34, 57^ Clemans, J. Potter 38 Clemens, J. Ruhdael J zi Clenet, S. Hobbema 170 Clerk, J. Velde 282* Clesne, De. Ruhdael 129, 145, 766 Velde 77 Cleve. Ruhdael 775 Cleydael. Ruhdael 3280 Hobbema 2897 Clicquet-Andrioli. Ruhdael 828 Clive. Ruhdael io$ze Clock. fW<> 360 Clockener, J. Ruhdael 298*-, 2g8/, 628^, 10077, 1007; Hobbema 291 Cloens, W. Ruhdael 8200 Clos. Ruhdael 704, 830 JV<ze 95 Clowes. Ruhdael 548 Clowston, R. Ruhdael 504 Clutterbuck, T. Ruhdael^ Cobbe, C. Hobbema 171 Coblenz. &e Koblenz Coburg. Ruhdael 158 Cocks. Ruhdael JZlf Coders. Ruhdael 15, 21, 158?, 158/j 158^, 3oin, 307, 315, 530, 53i<z, 566, 768^, 768(7", 786, 901, 9681:, 9687, 1054? Hobbema 49^, 51, 89, 116, 197, 248 Velde 59, 136, 180, 286 Potter 143, 172 Coders, J. B. Ruhdael 968; Coders, L. B. Ruhdael 321 a, 535*7 Hobbema 73, 86, 149, 206 JV(7e 62, in, 271 Potter 80, 134 Cocq, G. Ruhdael 687*, 10642; Coehoorn, M. van. Ruhdael 666 JWA 259 Coeverden, Van. Potter 1 1 8 Cok, J. M. Ruhdael 300^7, 300*, 527^, 10527, io6$k, 10657 Colbert-Laplace. Ruhdael 119 Colisch. Ruhdael zoya Hobbema 24 Collert. Potter 28 Collet. Ruhdael ion Collins. JV( 5 Collot d'Escury, Baron. Potter I2(/ Colnaghi. Ruhdael 644*, 721*, 721^ 748, 957 Hobbema 184 W(7* 102, 343*7 Colnaghi, M. H. Ruhdael 157, 285, 411, 513*, 53 la, 574<r, 586, 659, 72i/, 723^, 783, 929,980 Hobbema 84, 94 Velde 171 Ruhdael 678, 795, 928, Poffer 76 Colnaghi, P. and D. 984 Hobbema 126, 233, 259 Velde 56, 80 Potter 50, 156 Cologne. Ruhdael 808 Commetter, J. M. Ruhdael 468, 469, 805, 994 Comte, Le. Velde 64 Comyns. Ruhdael Soda Coningham, W. Ruhdael 367, 975 Constantin. Potter 14 Contame, M. H. Ruhdael gija Conti, Prince de. Ruhdael 102, 302, 577, 663, 712^, 927, 967, 1070, 1071 Velde 63, 82, 100, 245, 320, 327, 360, 370 Potter 52, 80, 127, 161 Conway. Ruhdael jzim Cook, Sir F. Ruhdael 39*, 49, 70, 123(7, 180, 287(7, 767, 1006, 1038 Velde 129, 374 Potter 83 Coole, W. Potter 98* Coope, O. E. Potter 44^ Cooper. Ruhdael 673 Potter 44^ Coopman. Ruhdael 746 Cope, C. Ruhdael 783 Copenhagen. Ruhdael 232, 233, 477, 478, 598 Hobbtma 127 Potter 15, 60 Corbett, J. Ruhdael i<)~h Cork and Orrery, Earl of. Ruhdael 429*7" Corn61issen, R. de. Ruhdael 382 Cornwall. Ruhdael 844^ Cosse, Madame de. PVW 360(7 Pe/ttr 12 Cosson, M. J. Ruhdael J 3 6f, 930(7, 10534 Hobbema 190 Cosson, Ph. Ruhdael 1074 Costa, B. da. ^/(/e 339" Potter 43, 148, 153 Coste Reboulh. Velde iz$a Coste, A. La. ^e/(/e 338* Coste, J. de la. Ruhdael 1073, 1075^ Potter 79 Cottreau, L. Ruhdael 584 Hobbema 226 Courland, Duke of. Hobbema 72 Courmont. Potter 46 Courmont, Le Bas. Ruhdael 88 Court van Valkenswaard, E. J. de. Hobbetr.a 124 JW<& 365 Portfcr 2oa Court, C. A. de la. Ruhdael 1064^ Court, P. de la. Velde 4, 103(7, 338^ Power 19, 107 Court van der Voort, A. de la. Ruhdael 14, 299* Velde 22, 241*, 2417 Potter 31 Court, La. Ruhdael 535c Courtenay, Lord. Ruhdael 534^ Hobbema 100