Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/74

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60 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 173. A VIEW IN HOLLAND: LANDSCAPE WITH A WIND-MILL. Sm. 102. On the farther bank of a pool in the right foreground stands a large wooden wind-mill, inside a paling amid trees. To the right of it are low cottages. To the left of the pool a winding road runs from the left foreground across a plain with sunlit bleaching- grounds and cottages amid trees beyond them. On the road in the middle distance a man with a white dog goes towards a hut, near which is a woman with a child. Cloudy sky. Signed in full on the left at foot ; canvas, 31 inches by 40 inches. A good copy, attributed to G. Hulseboom, was in the sale : Raedt van Oldenbarnevelt, Amsterdam, November 6, 1900, No. 187. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1894, No. 76. Sale. Earl of Halifax, London, 1808 (192 : 3s.). In the Royal collection, London, 1835 (Sm.) and 1854 (Waagen, ii. 21). In the Royal collection, Buckingham Palace, London, No. 59. 174. LANDSCAPE WITH A WIND- MILL. Sm. 135. A town-moat stretches from the distance to the foreground, which it almost fills. In the immediate right foreground is the reedy bank with a wooden bridge. Farther back are brick walls, the remains of a sluice, which are connected by planks. A man with a dog crosses to the left bank which is thickly planted with trees. Near the bank is a boat on the water. In the middle distance is a man in a flat- bottomed boat on the sunlit water. Farther back is a wooden drawbridge over the moat to the town, above whose wall rise house-roofs and a great wooden mill. A fine summer day with clouds in the sky. More or less in the style of Hobbema. The figures are by Ruisdael himself. An attractive picture. Canvas, 25 inches by 30^ inches. Engraved by J. H. Wright in the Stafford Gallery. In the collection of Lord Francis Egerton, London, 1835 (Sm.). In the collection of the Earl of Ellesmere, Bridgewater House, London, 1892 catalogue, No. 197. 175. TWO WIND-MILLS NEAR A PATHWAY. Sm. 315. In the right centre stands a wind-mill, behind a cottage, on a pathway leading from the right foreground to the left background. The sails, seen against the distance, are turned slightly to the left. In the sky are great clouds with gleams of sunshine. To the right of the pathway is a hedge. A second mill stands to the left a little behind the first. In the left distance is the Groote Kerk (St. Bavo) of Haarlem. In the right foreground a horseman comes along the pathway, followed by a child. In the foreground, in shadow, is a cornfield with a little stream crossed by a plank. On the farther side of the stream sits a woman. In the doorway of the cottage in front of the mill a woman leans over the half door, con- versing with a boy who stands outside. A fine early work, full of feeling, dating from about 1650-52. The horse in front was probably repainted by the artist himself. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 12 inches by 12 inches. Engraved in mezzotint by Ralph Cockburn.