Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/125

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xvii GERARD TER BORCH 109 34i/ Portrait of a Man. Oval copper, 4 inches by 3 inches. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May i, 1837, No. 650 (28 francs, with 41 jb). 34 1^. A Small Portrait of a Man. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May i, 1837, No. 652 (30 francs). 341/2. Portrait of a Man in Black. Wearing a hat. Canvas, 13 J inches by io| inches. Sale. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May I, 1837, No. 653. 34 1/. Portrait of a Man on a Dappled Grey Horse. Signed on the right with the monogram. Sale. X. de Burtin, Paris, 1839, No. 19 (1000 francs). 3417. Portrait of a Man. Very carefully and delicately painted. [Pendant to 417^.] Canvas, 15 inches by 12^ inches. Sale. J. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 338 (208 florins, with pendant, Weimar). 342. Portrait of a Man. It is uncertain whether two or more of the following were identical : Sales. Anthony Deutz, Amsterdam, March 7, 1731 (Hoet, i. 363), No. 58 (10 florins 10). J. Palthe, Leyden, March 20, 1770, No. 195 (15 florins) and No. 196 ( i florin 10). Amsterdam, May 5, 1802, No. 208 full length ; not in the sale. Amsterdam, April 14, 1813, No. 79 (6 florins). Amsterdam, January 25, 1825, No. 131 (5 florins 25, Vlijmen). Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1845, No. 71 ; pendant to 421. 342*7. Portrait of a Man. [Pendant to 417*.] Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1845, No. 85. 343. Portrait of a Councillor. Three-quarter length, standing. His right hand rests on his hip. He wears a cambric shirt and a jacket, and has a cloak wrapped round him. At his throat is a ruffle : on his sleeves are lace cuffs. He leans on a table, covered with a dark red cloth, upon which lies his hat. [Pendant to 419.] Canvas, i8| inches by 14 inches. Sale. Heris, Brussels, June 19, 1846, No. 79. 344. Portrait of a Councillor in Black. His thick hair falls in a wide mass on his shoulders. His left hand rests on some books upon a table to the right. At the back is a green curtain with broad folds. Panel, n inches by 8J inches. Sale. Van Saceghem, Brussels, June 2, 1851, No. 1 16 (60 francs, Thierens). Portrait of a Man. [Pendant to Panel, 14 inches by inches.