Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/166

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IS o CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. B. Several figures. 1. Adults, 74-145^. a. Engaged in a profession or trade, 74-82. i. Physician, 74-76. ii. Fortune-teller, j6a-jga. iii. Artisans and dealers, 80-82. b. Domestic occupation, 83-88^. c. The toilet, 89-93^. d. Mother and child, 94-99. e. Recreation, 100-145^. i. Eating, drinking, smoking, 100-100^. ii. Scenes of love and gallantry, 101-106*7. iii. Pastorals, 107-110^. iv. Music-scenes, 111-125*'. v. Card-playing and draughts, 126-1 29*2. vi. Masquerade, 130-130*7. vii. Walking, 130^. viii. With a letter, 131-136^. ix. With a parrot, 137-138^. x. With other animals, 138^-140. xi. Various, 141-145?. 2. Children, 146-159. a. Young artists, 146, 147. b. Blowing bubbles, 148-153. c. At play, 153^-153^. d. With flowers or fruit, 154-155^. e. With animals, 156-159. V. PORTRAITS, 160-47 5 . A. Persons identified, 160-311. 1. The artist and his wife, o-i66d. 2. Other persons, in alphabetical order, 167-311. B. Persons unidentified, 312-475^. 1. Single portraits, 312-460. a. Men, 312-363. b. Women, 3 64-4 50*'. f. Children, 451-458*-. </. Sex not stated, 458^-460. 2. Groups, 461-475^. VI. ANIMALS AND STILL-LIFE, 4750477^. VII. PICTURES DESCRIBED IMPERFECTLY OR NOT AT ALL, 477^-478.