Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/173

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xvm CASPAR NETSCHER 157 26. VERTUMNUS AND POMONA. Probably portraits. Unimportant. [Pomona is seated to the left, with an apple in her left hand, and her right arm resting on the back of her couch. She wears a loose white chemise leaving her breasts bare, an olive-green and pale crimson robe, and a pale crimson skirt drawn up so as to leave the right leg bare. Vertumnus, as an old woman, leans on a staff, and wears a dark olive-green drapery and hood. In the right foreground is an umbelliferous plant with white flowers ; on the ground in front to the left lie some apples. 2o inches by 17 J inches. In the collection of George Duncan, M.P. for Dundee ; probably bought on the Continent early in the nineteenth century ; bequeathed at his death in 1878 to the town of Dundee. Translator.] In the Victoria Art Galleries, Dundee. 27. Vertumnus and Pomona. In a park, with fruit and flowers at their feet. Hung too high to be properly judged. In the collection of John Neeld, Grittleton House, 1854 (Waagen, ii, 247). In the collection of Sir Audley Neeld, Grittleton House. 28. VERTUMNUS AND POMONA. In an Italian garden, adorned with sculptured urns and reliefs, Pomona sits, dressed as a lady in a light golden-yellow gown. To the right, Vertumnus, in the form of an old woman with a stick in the left hand, speaks to her ; his right hand is raised with a gesture of warning or persuasion. Signed on the seat to the left, and dated 1679 ; panel, 19 inches by 15 J inches. Exhibited at the Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, 1904, No. 316. In the collection of H. J. Pfungst, London. In the collection of J. van Alen, Rushton Hall, Kettering, No. 39. 29. VERTUMNUS AND POMONA. Sm. 50. Wrongly supposed to be portraits of Hortense Mancini (1646-1699), Duchesse de Mazarin, and of her admirer, Charles de St. Evremond (1613-1703). In the immediate foreground sits Pomona, seen to the knees. Her left hand is on her breast. She leans her right arm on a stone balustrade, adorned with a relief. She wears a light gown, cut low on the neck j a loose drapery is thrown over her shoulders. Behind her to the left, Vertumnus, in the form of an old woman, points with his right hand to the left. On the balustrade is a fruit-tree in a sculptured vase. In the background is a statue of Venus. A late work, according to Waagen (ii. 44). Panel, i8| inches by 15^ inches. A replica is in the collection of the Marquess of Bute (30). A tolerably good old copy is in the Rumjanzoff Museum, Moscow, 1901 catalogue, No. 529 on canvas, 22 inches by 16 inches. Engraved by R. Rhodes in the Stafford Gallery. In the collection of Lord F. L. Gower, Bridgewater House, London, 1833 (Sm.). In the collection of the Marquess of Stafford. In the collection of Lord F. Egerton.