Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/194

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178 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. comely woman sits scraping turnips. At the side a man sits by the hearth, turning the spit. With various kitchen utensils. A fine effect of light ; delicately painted. Canvas, 22 inches by 25 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 1 7, 1 809, No. 67. 86*. A Chaff-Cutter and a Maid-Servant. Canvas. In the Schloss, Sagan, 1864 (Parthey, ii. 189). 87. A Young Woman with a Basket of Lemons on her Lap. Sm. 23, and Suppl. 19. A young woman sits in profile, in a room. She wears a red velvet jacket trimmed with ermine and a white satin skirt. On her lap is a rush basket of lemons, some of which she gives to an old woman in a grey jacket, a blue apron, and a green skirt, who stands in front of her. To the left, behind the seated woman, is a table with a green cover, on which are a candlestick and a glass. Sales. Comte de Vaudreuil, Paris, November 24, 1784, No. 68 (4600 francs, Langlier) see Ch. Blanc, ii. 101. Edward Coxe, London, April 23, 1807 (50). Comte de Pourtales, London, 1826 (142 : i6s.). In the collection of Charles Cope, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. C. Cope, London, June 8, 1872 (372 : I5s., Agnew). 88. A LADY IN WHITE SILK, TO WHOM A MAID- SERVANT OFFERS A DISH OF APPLES. On the left sits the lady, turned a little to the right. She takes the dish from the maid- servant with her left hand. On the right, beside the lady, is a table covered with a Persian carpet, on which is a vase of flowers. To the left, behind the lady, a basket and a box are on the floor. Signed, and dated 1665. In the collection of the Duke of Rutland, Belvoir Castle, No. 83. 880. Interior with a Lady and a Maid-Servant. The lady sits at a table, conversing with a maid-servant. Near her is a dog. Care- fully painted. Panel, 12 inches by gj inches. Sale. Amsterdam, April 20, 1841, No. 51 (40 florins, Weymar). 88/>. A Lady and a Maid-Servant in an Interior. Sale. H. Englefield, London, 1883 (157:105., Lesser): see Art Sales, ii. 311. 89. A LADY AT HER TOILET. Sm. 67. A lady in a red jacket and yellow gown sits in the centre, seen in full face, holding a little dog on her lap with both hands. Behind her to the right stands a maid- servant dressing her hair. To the left, beside the lady, is a table covered with a Persian carpet. Behind the table a boy, seen in profile to the right, brings a silver dish with a spoon. On an arm-chair in the right foreground lies a silk garment. On the table are a candlestick, a mirror, and other articles of the toilet. " A work of the most precious quality " (Sm.).