Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/225

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xviii CASPAR NETSCHER 209 book. At the back is a shrubbery adorned with statues. An "ex- quisitely wrought picture " (Sm.). It is highly improbable that the Princess was painted by Netscher in 1683. Signed in full, and dated 1683 ; panel, 28^ inches by 35 inches. In the collection of Sir Philip Sidney, Bart., Penshurst, 1842 (Sm.). The author does not remember to have seen it there. [Sir Philip Sidney was created Baron de 1'Isle and Dudley, 1835. Translator.} i6ga. Anne, Princess, afterwards Queen of England. Three- quarter length. With many accessories. Very good. [Sold with a portrait of William III., No. 292?.] Sale. M. ten Hove and J. A. Tourton, Amsterdam, April 8, 1760, No. 78 (16 florins to, with No. 77 in the sale, De Jong). 169^. Anne, Empress of Russia (1693- 1740). She is richly dressed in an ermine cloak, and stands near a table on which lies the Imperial crown. The sitter is wrongly named, because the Empress Anne was born after Netscher's death. Copper, 12 inches by 8| inches. Sale. P. J. and B. van der Muelen of Koblenz, Amsterdam, August 22, 1850, No. 47. Isabella Countess of Arlington, bom Van Nassau Bever- weert. [See 214.] Brigitta Backer, wife of Huybert Roseboom. [See 260.] 170. CORNELIS BACKER (1633-1681), Councillor, Sheriff, and Colonel of the Civic Guard of Amsterdam. Three-quarter length, turned to the right in a three-quarter view. He leans his right arm on the Persian carpet covering a table on the extreme right. In his left hand is a sword. In the background to the right is a view of a landscape with trees, and to the left is a curtain of brocade. Canvas, 20 inches by i6| inches. Bought in England, 1881. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1911 catalogue, No. 1731. 171. Cornelis Backer. In the collection of Catharina Raye, his widow ; mentioned in her will of March 15, 1700 noted by A. Bredius. 172. Catharina Raye (1641-1712), wife of Cornelis Backer. In the collection of Catharina Raye, widow of C. Backer ; mentioned in her will of March 15, 1700 noted by A. Bredius. Elisabeth Backer, wife of Mattheus Lestevenon. [See 226.] Baden. See Ludwig (229). 173. Constantia Bartolotti (1615-1679), wife of Jacobus Rijckaert (1610-1671).- -As a widow. In the collection of Adriaen Pauw ; mentioned in the inventory of his goods, 1722 (and valued at loo florins) noted by A. Bredius. VOL. V P