Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/245

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xvni CASPAR NETSCHER 229 262. Cornelia van der Togt, wife of Caspar van Royen. She wears a light purple silk gown, cut low at the neck, and carries a garland of flowers in her hands. At the back is a park. [Pendant to 261.] 19 inches by 15 J inches. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, Nos. 6598 and 8027. Sale. M. Vlierboom van Hoboken of Brussels, Amsterdam, February 18, 1896, No. 104 (710 florins, with pendant). Eleonora van Royen, wife of A. Ghijs. [See 201.] Russia. See Anne, Empress (169^). 2620. A Man named Ruysch. In the collection of Jan Tedingh van Berkhout, Delft ; mentioned in an inventory of October 2, 1766 noted by A. Bredius. Constantia Rijckaert, born Bartolotti. [See 173.] Sachsen-Eisenach. See Johann Friedrich, Markgraf von Brandenburg (216). 263. FRIEDRICH MAGNUS, COUNT VON SALM (?) (1607-1673), Governor of Maastricht. Full length, in armour, with a marshal's baton. Behind him a page bears his helmet. As the picture is dated 1675, it is improbable that it represents Friedrich Magnus. Dated 1675 ; canvas, 28 inches by 22| inches. Exhibited at Diisseldorf, 1904, No. 356. In the collection of Prince zu Salm-Salm, Anhalt. 264. Anna Constantia Schaep (1671-1727), wife of Fr. Pauw. See Moes, Iconographia Batava, No. 6820, 2 ; under the name of Anna Catharina Schaep. In the collection of M. I. Ridder Pauw van Wieldrecht, Broekhuizen, near Leersum, 1909 catalogue, No. 69. 265. Framboise Marguerite de Sevigne (1648-1705), daughter of Madame de Sevigne, and wife from 1669 of the Comte de Grignan. She wears a dress cut low at the neck, with the chemisette open, and sits in a garden beside a fountain adorned with three Cupids. There is a pearl bracelet on her bare left arm ; in her hand are roses. A drapery of embroidered orange silk falls over her left arm, with which she leans on a pedestal. Round her neck is a string of white pearls. Her chestnut- brown hair falls in curls on her shoulders. Beside her is an orange tree. In the background is a landscape under a stormy sky. It is highly improbable that the Comtesse de Grignan was painted in 1680 by Netscher. Signed in full, and dated 1680 ; canvas, 21 inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Count KouchelefF Besborodko, Paris, June 5, 1869, No. 22 (2300 francs). 266. ANTHONY ASHLEY COOPER, FIRST EARL OF SHAFTESBURY (1621-1683). Seated. Panel ; a small picture.