Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 5, 1913.djvu/266

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250 CASPAR NETSCHER SECT. 334. Portrait of a Youth in the Dress of a Man of Rank. Broad in style. Oval panel, 6| inches by 5^ inches. Sale. J. A. Brentano, Amsterdam, May 13, 1822, No. 24 (17 florins). 334^. Portrait of a Well - Dressed Gentleman. Very finely painted. Sale. Amsterdam, May 31, 1824, No. i. 334/. Portrait of a Gentleman in a Loose Robe. Sale. Utrecht, June 27, 1825, No. 36 (i florin 5). 3347. Portrait of a Magistrate. Canvas. Sale. A. J. Petit, Malincs, June 5, 1826, No. 174 (8 florins, Le Roi). 335. Portrait of a Gentleman in a Silk Dress. He leans over a balustrade. Finely rendered. [Pendant to 413*.] Canvas, 16 inches by I2j inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 20, 1826, No. 14 (33 florins, with pendant). 335*7. Portrait of a Well - Dressed Gentleman. Masterly in style. Canvas. Sale. Amsterdam, November 2, 1829 (9 florins, Campen). 336. Portrait of a Gentleman. It is uncertain whether two or more of the following were identical : Sales. Amsterdam, June 27, 1752, No. 23 (two works). W. van Haansbergen, The Hague, June 19, 1755, No. 72 (3 florins 1 6, De Moni). Wannaar and others, Amsterdam, May 17, 1757, No. 131. M. Terwesten, The Hague, September 20, 1757, No. 41 very good. Amsterdam, April 12, 1759, No. 112 (6 florins, with pendant noted under 436). Amsterdam, December 5, 1785, No. 131 (2 florins, with pendant noted under 436, Asser). C. A. de Calonne, London, March 23, 1795, No. 36 Gi8 : i8s., with the pendant, 41 za) see Buchanan, Memoirs of Painting, i. 230. Amsterdam, June 20, 1810, No. 120 (5 florins). H. D. G. dc Maree and W. Horstink, Haarlem, May 12, 1817, No. 124. Rotterdam, April 26, 1830, No. 205 (10 florins 5). 336*. Portrait of a Young Man of Rank. Panel, 17^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. J. F. Sigault, Amsterdam, December 3, 1833, No. 138. 336^. Portrait of a Gentleman. With good accessories. Excel- lent colouring. [Pendant to